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Interview and college grades

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Do what now?
Nov 27, 2004
I've got an interview with a major coming up and I'm concerned that my sub par performance in college will hurt me. Any advice?
Yes apply and do not tell them you have college degree. Then you will not have to worry about grades. Only 5 of the 173 companies presently hiring pilots make a 4 yr degree a show stopper.
My advice is to drink heavily.
I've got an interview with a major coming up and I'm concerned that my sub par performance in college will hurt me. Any advice?
It'll only hurt you if you can't maturely discuss why your grades were poor. You'll need to prove that you can apply yourself now.
It'll only hurt you if you can't maturely discuss why your grades were poor. You'll need to prove that you can apply yourself now.

Grades don't matter. If you have the proper time and do well in the interview, and have the proper references, grades won't even come into the equation.

"I see you have 1000 PIC and 757 time, which is exactly what our company is looking for...wait...hang on....you graduated with a 2.5 in college...well, I don't know about that."

Won't happen.

Continue to work the contacts, shine in the interview and your logbook will carry you through.

But, as TWAdude alluded to, if it comes up, give the standard reponse..."To this day I wish I could do it all over again and do better while I was in college. However, I continued to better myself after I graduated to show my dedication as a professional aviator."


Remember, hiring qualifications are based on insurance mins, not college grades.
Yes apply and do not tell them you have college degree. Then you will not have to worry about grades. Only 5 of the 173 companies presently hiring pilots make a 4 yr degree a show stopper.

Not so sure that I would knowingly hide this information from any potential employer regardless of whether a degree is required or not. If you remeber one piece of interview advice let this be it...DO NOT LIE!!!!

If it was just one or two classes with low grades, turn it into a positive by saying that you found those courses very challenging and rewarding but just not your forte. It shows work ethic that you stuck it out instead of just dropping the class all together.
I graduated Cum Laude but had a D in Calculus I and II. When asked about this at an interview, I admitted my weakness in Calc and then directed their attention toward my strength in the three Physics classes I took. (2 As and a B). I think that your overall college performance is more important than one or two poor marks. Additionally admitting your weaknesses will show you are a person of strong character and have the ability to crtique your own performance. And oh yeah...DO NOT LIE!!!!

You and I have talked in the past, and I value your input and experiences. However I'm sure that you would not want a potential employee to intentionally hide info from you during an interview. If a pilot is willing to lie to you in person or hide college grades what else will they try to cover up???? I know I do not want that type of individual at my operation.---Merc
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I had terrible grades in college, and no one has ever asked about them.

Of course, you'd want to have an explanation ready.

If you have a good work record and training record, chances are you'll have no problems and they know that.

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