I transitioned over from AD Marine to the Guard. We have two guys who were Marine helo drivers who are going through the jet pipeline to fly the A-10 right now. I am not sure if you want to transition over to the AF AD side or guard/res. Once you find someone who wants you the actual process to transfer your rank and pilot ratings are the same. It is a two track process. One package will be to transfer your commission over. That is the easy one. You basically give them the list of documents they want to see. The Aero Rating Board (ARB) is the hard one. That is the process of switching over your wings. Naval aviation is set up very differently than the AF, especially the flight physicals and flight records. I highly recommend you get an AF flight physical instead of turning in your old Navy one. You also need to count up all of your flying hours and have your OPSO sign off on it to make it an official document. There is no such thing as a logbook in th AF, it is all on computer. There is another laundry list of all the things they want to see. It takes a lot of phone time to the Guard Bureau to get the thing through. Hope this helps.
Send me your Email via PM and I will send you a MS Word document I put together to get "Gold Wing" folks transfered into the Air Force Reserves. I would assume the process is similar for the Guard.
I would basically agree with pony251 on everything - especially the AF physical. I transfered over a few years back from AD Marines to the AFRES and it took nearly 8 months w/ all the paperwork (start-to-finish). There are also a lot of idiosyncracies (spelling?) depending on your situation (eg: Helo guy, passed over once/twice?, time in service, etc). Your best bet is to contact an AF reserve (assuming your going into the reserves) recruiter, and read over the MS Word document I have put together (well almost done putting together). That should answer almost all your questions.
By the way, its never to early to start the process. We are currently trying to "gain" a Marine C130 pilot and it has been over 11 months since the paperwork started. Looks like it will be a 13 month process when its all done.
AArider and Pony are on the money. I was a Marine Corps Cobra pilot who applied to fly U-2s. Now that application process if fairly long (a board has to meet to determine if they want to interview you, and then you come out for a flying interview). But, after I passed the interview and started the IST, it took 8.5 months. The longest portion of that was the ARB for my lead wings. It has to be signed by a General with a few stars and my package sat on his desk for 3 weeks.
If you are looking for active duty, call or go to the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) at Randolph AFB (San Antonio). That is where all the monior/detailer types work. They are the best ones to talk to about possible vacancies. Check out this web site www.afpc.randolph.af.mil
1. Military assignments:Officer
2. Special Flying Programs
3. IST and VRAD (at top)
4. Interservice transfer
If you are looking for guard/reserve, I believe you need to "rush" the individual squadron that you are interested in.
Either way, if you find a community who wants you, the process will be easier. If you have specific questions, feel free to post them or email me.
One more item. I've found (from myself transfering over, helping out several other Marines and Navy guys transfer, and sitting on our squadrons hiring board) that each recruiter and each numbered air force handles things a little different. There are the AFI (air force instructions) which tell you what to do - even so each person and unit has its own personality. We (our squadron and numbered air force) have actually seemed to get the ARB process down pretty smooth, and then get them approved through AFRC quickly. It always seems like its the commissioning package (which comes from the recruiter) that takes a long time. So, when you do it - stay on top of everything and look ahead in the process to help speed things up.
Thanks for all the gouge. I am thinking AD. By the time my commitment is up I will have 12 yrs in and 8 left is tempting. But I would like more of an over land mission.
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