would like to get your thoughts and experiences at simuflite for initial sic 91/135 jet training. no previous jet or sim time. what to expect etc. thanks.
I went through SIC initial on the 500 and 650 series Citations last year at Simuflite. Ground schools were ok, Bravo sim was great. 650 sim was old and full of gremlins. Could have spent more time on performance planning. Some of the instructors had little if no time in the specific aircraft but were trained up in the sim.
Another thought on the subject is why not get the type? My company opted not to type me (low fixed time) and I didn't have the free cash to pay the difference. If you can get the company to go ahead and type you or pay the difference and get it yourself, you will have something to show for it for yourself and your company. It's only 2 more sim sessions and they should work with you on the the price if your footing the difference.
What ever jet your going to be flying, make sure you just take your time during the training.
A few years back I did there initial Lear 25 program, I came out of a Beech 18 straight into the sim without ever flying the airplane first.
After the first day it gets going pretty quick. Make sure when your out being vectored for approached, running checklist, securing engines or whatever it is your doing, that your not doing 220kts while being vectored, its real easy to let the speed get away from you.
Slowing it down is the key to having a good time in the sim or having a bad time. 180kts with a notch a flaps out will give you plenty of time or slower if you can.
If your not ready for the approach, you have your sim partner tell app. control (instructor) that you need a box pattern or vectors to get set up for the approach. You dont want to be just finishing up with checklist right when you are intercepting a localizer.
As the week of sim progresses you get a good feel for everything.
As far as the first week in the classroom, Its fast paced as well, you need to keep up becuase the next day, the ball just keeps on rolling.
The key is, study, study, study.
Before you get into the sim, you want to know all the boxed items by heart, V-speeds, cockpit flows. It will make it alot easier for you when you get hit with that first V1 cut.
Pretty much just wanted to echo what LR25 said: Completed SimuFlite's BE400/MU300 initial last summer... Overall, a very positive experience. Apparently the BE400 program was still pretty new when I went through and it showed at times. Systems and ops were pretty much vanilla, but guaranteed you will feel like you're behind, just don't give up on the books, the sim week is a good time to catch up on some of that stuff.
Our schedule had a day off around day 7... I highly suggest taking all of, if not most of that day off from cramming, your brain will thank you. As far as the sim goes the BE400 sim there was almost brand new and looking back, pretty realistic. I went in with no time in the aircraft (or jet time for that matter) and I can't stress how much keeping it below 220 helped me when it came to keeping up with the airplane. The first few sessions were a little rough for me, but it finally started clicking for me around the icing session, after that it was high and hot, then review for the checkride. I honestly feel like they do a good job of preparing you for the checkride. Interestingly enough, I still think the type ride was the easiest session of the seven: A straight forward oral with a performance "scenario" followed by systems and a video preflight. The following flight was almost exactly what I was prepped for the previous day.
Again, I was really very impressed overall, the staff was very professional and went out of the way to answer any question we managed to come up with, the facilities were also great (although it looked like some of the Citation/Lear stuff had been there quite awhile). You might also consider reading an article written by AvWeb's John Deakin, he went through G-IV training at SimuFlite and is quick to point out some of the downsides associated with this sort of training.http://www.avweb.com/news/columns/182134-1.html
I have attended Simuflite several times in carreer and for the most part have enjoyed the experience. There is a cafateria on site that is excellent and inexpensive. Lots of networking opportunties. An excellent resource center (aka library). They also have some excellent enhancement courses. I would consider taking as many as I could. You will be busy, but they are an excellent short break and provide a lot of excellent information.
The biggest problem most new trainees have is keeping the speed down. They are not use to the fact that a jet will excellerate as fast as it does. Except for manuvers that require higher speeds (steep turns, etc) you don't need to go any faster than 180 kts. I will take exception to LR25's comment. In almost all small to medium jets, including the Lear, they fly very nicely at 180 knots without any flaps. Take your time during the sim sessions. The biggest items in the sim are know the profiles and the emergency memory items. Before you go, I suggest that you study FAR 91 and if you are flying 135, it also. Know the regs on items that will effect you on jets. Speed limits, equipment requirements, etc. It will help you out during the sim.
As for getting a type, it has been my experience that there is little if any difference in the price. A few years ago at Simuflite, the price difference in the Lear was something like $100.00 and there was no price difference in the Hawker program. However, with no jet time you will have a limited type. Keep that in mind.
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