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info on qantas link

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user being used
Nov 10, 2004
anyone out there know of a way to get a gouge on the interview for qantas link? got an invite to go down there and i'm hoping someone has some insight on maybe types of questions...ie....is it more technical or HR based......any info would be great.....
Check out pprune.com. Lots of info over there. Just curious, how did you get an invite?

They're getting so few bites from locals because of the cr@ppy pay and of course the $12-15k pay for type requirement that they've started looking at Yarpies and Americans.

They're the only ones deperate enough to think it's a good deal.


Pray that it's not a technical question based interview; Australia has some of the most screwed up regs in aviation. As a wise man put it, Australia is the Galapagos of aviation..............

Also, be very aware that the locals are not happy that Qlink has chosen this course of action to get around the fact that there are lots of locals qualified to do the job but not at the pay that's being offered.
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Cheers mate,

Check your PM's
thats exactly what i have been wondering....i spoke with a buddy of mine who grew up in oz and got all his ratings down there and then his parents moved back to hawaii...he told me he has some good friends that fly for qantas and i think link and they made no mention of the pilot group being upset about them looking abroad....of course you are going to have the few that are pissed....
unless link is lying about their pay it didn't look that bad....it was far more than what i was making here even after the conversion.....
but....i do not want to be the guy that people are bitter towards if i do go down there.....
as for how i got an interview....dumb luck i guess....a qantas rep came to hawaii after aloha shut down and said all of the qantas carriers (jetstar, link, jetconnect...) were looking to help out the aloha guys...i simply applied on line as a long shot knowing that all i had that they may be interested in was my dash time....they had me take the psychometric test online and then i just heard back from them almost a month after....
its getting pretty tough to find anything in the states right now and even tougher in hawaii...i lived in oz during college, would love to get back there and this may be my opportunity, but i certainly do not want to step on any toes over it....
we'll see what happens i guess....

I have 3 friends that work for QFLink and they're pissed about the whole thing. Admittedly, they are miserable b@stards in the first place, as only Australians can be when it comes to aviation in Oz but it's always been a hard slog to get an airline job in Oz. Years spent instructing before getting a charter job flying in the Bush or up in New Guinea and 1000's of hours before even a look see at the airlines. QFLink/Jet* and Jet connect are all offering cr@ppy pay for Australia, when you factor in that it's now one of the most highly taxed countries in the world. It is not cheap to live there anymore and if you were to get a SYD base, on what QFLink are offering you'll be living in a cardboard city. They see the influx of foreign pilots as a way for the airlines to get around upping the pay that the locals have worked damn hard for.

Some Danish friends of mine spent a year living there, last year and they were stunned how expensive it was, even in comparison to Denmark.

I was offered an interview with Jet Connect on the 717 at the beginning of the year and they were offering about AUD$60k. When I talked to their guy in charge of recruiting and explained that it would be more than a few steps back financially for me, he agreed and said that was what a lot of guys were telling him.

To be honest you're really going to need a minimum of AUD$80-90k to be comfortable.

Whatever you decide, good luck but just remember there is no progression to QF, which has always been a plum job.

Good luck.
metro....never....surfs been really good lately....hows minnie?.....

kenny, i appreciate all the good info and insight....not a lot of choices out there so trying to make the right one for the right reasons....pprune has some good info on it....eye opening....i think aviation in general across the world is going to be up and down for some time.....

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