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info about AmeriFlight schedules?

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Sep 28, 2002
Hello all. I know this has been covered a bit before, but I'm trying to get some facts about the scheduling at AmeriFlight. Is it always 5 days/wk? 12-14 hrs/day? Is there a big difference in the schedule someone junior vs. someone who's more senior? Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated!
fletch1 said:
Hello all. I know this has been covered a bit before, but I'm trying to get some facts about the scheduling at AmeriFlight. Is it always 5 days/wk? 12-14 hrs/day? Is there a big difference in the schedule someone junior vs. someone who's more senior? Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated!

That's pretty much it, though there are a few runs with nicer schedules. And some of those 12-14 hour "days" (many of which are nights) include a long lay over when you can sleep (just not get legal rest).

As for junior/senior, things are generally done by bid, though you can't be bid OUT of a payscale or location. But at a base where most of the runs are out of the base (such as BFI) the more desireable runs go to the more senior pilots.

Hope that helps.

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