When I did a web search for "Command Instrument Rating", all the hits took me to Australian websites. The most definitive I found was the government website with the document that details the requirements for instrument ratings.
Yes you must have stumbled across an australian job. Command instrument rating is just their term for the instrument rating. The "minimum of five renewals" is akin to our currency requirements. Basically just saying that you have done a instrument proficiency check five times. This is really important down there because the instrument rating is not obtained by as many pilots down under as in the US.
Good call! The company is "Horizon Airlines" and I was thinking it was OUR Horizon Air, then after I read your posts- I went back and realize it's an Aussie H.A.
I was wondering why Horizon's logo looked different.
I was panicking- i though I had all my ratings (except for types & ATP)- then I read this 'command instrument' stuff; was breaking out the FAR/Aim and thoroughly confused.
I myself had no idea there was another Horizon Air until it was posted on our company website as part of the history page while looking around for something. They're actually doing quite well down there from what I've heard.
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