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I need students!!!!

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New member
Apr 20, 2006
I just recently got my CFI, and I got a job working for a flight school. Here's the catch, I am responsible for finding my own students. I have made fliers and business cards, which I have been posting at businesses and apartment complexes surrounding the airport. I have been posting online classified ads. And so far, NOTHING!!! Can someone who has been responsible for finding their own students please give me some tips. Is there anything I'm not doing that I really should be doing?
Set up a booth at the mall during their "Career Fair" day....I did that once, wound up with about half a dozen students. Weird...but it worked.

An old CFI told me he used to approach people who would come out to the airport fence to plane watch on weekends ...
Where abouts in the country are you based. If you're in Central Florida (or are willing to move there) I know an outfit or two that'd give you a job no problems. One will even give a $1000 sign on bonus (though I'm not sure how they'll swindle that back from you!) Nevertheless - you'll be banking about +100 hours a month (on a bad month). With the summer coming I KNOW they're busy.
I posted flyers at a college campus. That worked great!! It was west Texas and they had almost nothing else to do. Also, you may want to try a military base. Oddly enough, many of them (especially Air Force) want to learn to fly. That isn't a dig on Air Force pilots, there are a lot of non pilots that want to fly.
Get to know other CFIs...it's all word of mouth and if a few other CFIs are busy and can't take on any more studs, and they think you're a good guy, they'll be willing to send studs they can't teach your way, then you'll make a name for yourself and won't have any problem getting studs. Just don't mess it up (your rep), or yes, you will be setting up booths at the carnival...
If the local university/college has an engineering department, post fliers in those buildings. Almost guaranteed.

One thing I thought of as I returned from an AOPA seminar the other night... I should have taken a handful of business cards and a flier that said "looking for your three wings hours, call av8rbama" and set them on the table next to the wings program cards.
I didn't have to find my own students, but the best thing I did was sit on the couch in the FBO where my flight school is. That way if somebody came in to ask about training the front desk people had no choice but to give them to me. I got most of my initial students that way, now it's all word of mouth. Just build a student base and it will take care of itself. Oh, and get your CFII, there's always people wanting IPCs, Instrument tickets, etc.
I had the same situation. Depending on how your school operates, get them to sponser a booth at fly-in's and airshows. Have people interested fill out info cards for a free intro ride raffel, etc. You'll usually be able to take a plane there and setup under the wing. Works really well if you have something unique like a G-1000 or something. Draws people in like flys on poo. Also, gets less results but usually good for a few, see if you can get your school on BeAPilot.com They have a lead service and will forward leads your way. There are a couple other services that do that as well (AOPA). Do try to aviod lead services that require you to pay per lead. It is expensive and I haven't had good results.

Good Luck

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