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Hired? Or not?

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2006
I've got a question.....

I've talked to the CP and DO twice....the first was with the DO for about 30 minutes (I met the CP during this time) and the second was with mainly the CP but a little with the DO for over 2 hrs. Both "meetings" were big time gab sessions where I met everyone that was passing through, how week-to-week operations happen.....yada..yada...yada.

They fly both an 800XP (which I'm typed and current PIC) and a Hawker 1000.

About 5 minutes after I left the second interview, the CP called me wanting to see if I could get "checked out" on the 1000. I don't know if the "checked out" meant "checking me out" or if it meant the actual "check me out so when we hire you you're good to go".

The only items we haven't discussed are pay and an offer. During the second meeting they mentioned the "it's down to you and another" but in the same breath they said they "really like me and know I'm a great person".

During this "checkout" this week, he mentioned that he'll take me out to eat afterwards. I'm hoping for good things but has anyone else ever been through this type of selection? I feel good about it but I've been through all this before (minus getting checked out in their airplane) and at the very end got denied.

Any opinions/thoughts?
gotta go with your instincts. Only you can tell really which way it seems they are leaning.
I don't think it's unusual to get "checked" out before you get hired.

Some companies even have you fly a trip with them to see if they like you and to make sure you like them. Two or three days on the road with someone is the best interview in the world. No hiding who you/they are after a road trip. Everyone can be a "nice" guy during a short afternoon interview.

I've interviewed and been hired twice flying Gulfstreams and for both interviews I flew a contract trip with the guys at regular contract pay. That way if we don't like each other everybody wins. You get a daily rate and they don't feel guilty not hiring you.

Be yourself at the interview.

If you like beer with dinner order a beer. I was first to order at my "first" interview dinner. I ordered just like I would if I was out with my wife and kids. I ordered a steak and beer. I ordered some local Micro brewery Pale Ale, because I'm a home brewer, and to my surprise the next hour we talked about brewing beer at home. You got to fit in with these guys. You don't want to find out that you don't fit in 2 months down the road. Oh, they all ordered steak and beer(s) too.
Thanks. I appreciate everyone's input.

I know I'll be myself, that's just the way I always am. I know I "fit in" with them by the way the discussions/interviews have been.

I also realize it's not unusual to fly with the company prior to but to expect someone that's knowingly employed at the current time I can't understand why they would want someone go on a 2-3 day trip. If you (they) couldn't figure out they like you within a 8-12 hr period of time....you aren't worth looking at in the first place.

I would drink a beer over lunch but I don't think it's appropriate considering the circumstances, this time anyway.

Thanks everyone..we'll see how it goes.

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