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help me please

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Dec 19, 2005
i'm a skywest mech. i'm going insane with all the crap going on at my base. we have to many new guy that arestraight out of school who arent willing to work. or even learn they just wanna collect a pay check. why do mangers hire some many guys out of school? shouldnt there be a balance in hiring some new some exp. it would be great. instead they just wanna hire new out of school no exp to save money. ii do belive everyone gotta start some where but come we have to have at least 12 new or level 1 on one shift out of 15 - 17 guy total for that shift. i'd love to tell mangement what i think but i've seen what happens to guys who speak up. reprisal sucks. so do i suck it up,, or do i grow a sack and speak up. i'm sure my fellow skywest bros want me to grow a sack so they will have a sacfical lamb to throw into the fire.
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Yes, you need to get over it.

Years ago we had a couple new guys on the team and they didn't know squat. Too stupid to spell their name and they were right out of school.
You as a old-timer now, need to take a few of these kids under your wing and teach them how it is really done and done right. Some of them will decide quickly that they are not cut out for aviation and get out completely, some will have to be shown the door. Evidently, you were apart of the third group that had some old-timer show how is was done....now it is your turn.
Nut up, take it like a man and be a leader.

...or do you want to be the old guy pushing the broom around waiting for retirement day.

Leader or broom-pusher?
well put dude thank u for being up front no bull kinda guy. ..... wait i can feel my sack now thank you for helping me put my head outta me a??
ya'know, I was thinking about this some more....leaving is always an option but not always the better option.

Telling management that it is not your job to train them - never a good move telling your manager what is and what is not your job (been there before)

Dude, take the high road, acept the opertunity to train others, it is the best way to show your manager that you have leadership abilities and it will rank high on your reviews.

Or you can take the bioache road and get the squeeky wheel grease thrown at you. When you get enough grease they can slide you right out the door for being a disgruntled employee.
cfm56-7b said:
You never been in a union

Nope, never had a strike and never had to have a group of people, who think they know what I do, stand in for me to get me a raise.

Never went crying to someone else because another person did something that was classified as 'my job'.:bawling:

Never had to wait for aonther person to access a panel in order for me to accomplish my menial task and then have them standing around for me to be finished so they can close up after me.:rolleyes: :smash:

Never paid a union dues.:pimp:

Can't really come up with a good enough reason to join a union or work for a company with union shops.

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