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Heard a rumor about the NJA interview process

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2006
So a little bird told me that Net Jets was getting into a different mentality for hiring. From what I have read here they basically don’t interview you unless they intend to hire you. Usually about 7 – 8 out of every class of 10 gets hired. Study up and get ready for the sim ride and you will probably get in with the right attitude. But recently I have heard that the hire rate was dropped to around 30% of a given interview and people are being told that they are becoming picky because of the large number of candidates stepping over each other for an interview.

This is of great concern to me because I have begun to study for a potential interview. I will hit the NJA mins around late February. I also intend to drop a boat load of cash to get my ATP. I have no PIC turbine. I generally interview well and can’t imagine myself getting stumped on much of the technical jargon. I have plans to purchase a yoke and MS simulator to prepare for the ATP and sim ride at the interview (in December if I have not been awarded Captain at my 121 carrier). This is 100% for the NJA interview.

If my odds have dwindled from 70% - 80% down to 30% that is a huge risk of some hard earned dough. On top of that I would barely have the minimums with regard to flight time.

Is it still worth it to go get the ATP?

Are my odds really like 30% or more up around 70%?

Will I still even be able to get an interview at 2500TT with no PIC turbine?

Seemed like a great plan until I heard the rumor. What’s the deal?
I would not worry too much about this, you have already identified it as a rumor and nothing more! If it does become fact you should see some information on aviationinterviews.com by February. I purchased my ATP in order to meet the minimums that NJA required, it was definately a wise investment. Like SafetyTheSeat already said, how bad do you really want it? Best of luck to you.
I purchased my ATP in order to meet the minimums that NJA required, it was definately a wise investment.

If you don’t mind me asking how much time did you have at your interview? Did someone at NJA recommend you? PM me if you don’t want to post it here.

how bad do you really want it?

Bad enough to visit this board every day looking for information that may give me the edge over someone else.
Bad enough to visit this board every day looking for information that may give me the edge over someone else.

It's not about having an edge on someone else, it's about presenting yourself in a positive manner. And consider the sim portion of the interview. NetJets is looking for CRM as well as basic instrument skills. During the sim portion of my interview, neither my partner or I had a Chuck Yeager/Bob Hoover-quality session but the evaluator said he was impressed with how we worked together and we both got hired. On the flip side of that, I know of a few cases where one interviewee does something obviously wrong in the sim (like entring the hold incorrectly or turning the wrong way in the hold) and his/her partner says nothing and as a result, neither of them is offered a job.

As for NetJets only hiring 30% of its interviewees, I'd be surprised by that. A friend of mine interviewed in mid July and he said most, if not all, of his interview class got hired. In addition, NetJets spends a good amount of money on each interviewee (airfare, hotel, etc.) and the company has also stated that it wants a lot of pilots over the next few years, so I'd surprised if they are targetting a 30% success rate for interviewees.

As for getting your ATP, consider it an investment in your future. You'll need the ATP for NetJets, obviously, but it will also likely open other employment opportunities for you.

Good luck to you.
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Rumor I have been hearing is that the quality of applicants is falling. That would explain why NetJets is hiring less of the people they interview.
Having your ATP will only help you no matter who you decide to interview with, it shows motivation. It's almost like getting your FE written for many of the majors back in the day. Look at it as an investment in your career whether you get hired by NetJets or not.

Second, don't succomb to the rumor mill, you will get enough of that once you get hired as you already see at Flightinfo. You need to have confidence in yourself before you do the interview or it will shine through.

So, go get the ATP and study like crazy for it. Also, as someone else mentioned, go to aviationinterviews.com for the interview questions and comments. If you read about someone that didn't get hired, try to figure out why.

Hope this helps, don't give up.

I have a close friend that does interviews. He told me that there have been a lot of no shows lately. Along with that, the percentage of job offers to those that do interview is dropping. Lots of tool-bags. It was about this time last year that a lot of us said that the domicile issue will correct itself since there is a finite amount of qualified pilots at the 5 domiciles. It looks like that prophesy may be coming to fruition.
Coming to fruition? Great! They'll be getting their just desserts...;)

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