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Heads Up on new OpSpecs C082 coming soon

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Blues vs. Birds-Tailhook
Oct 11, 2005
This new OpSpec C082 will require operators to calculate landing margins based on existing(not forecast) landing conditions and will prohibit landings without a 15% additional landing distance margin. Submittal deadline of 09/01/06 and compliance deadline of 10/01/06.


Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Parts 91, 121, 125, and 135
Announcement of Policy for Landing Performance Assessments After Departure for All Turbojet Operators
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Advance notice of policy statement.
SUMMARY: The following advance notice of policy and information would provide clarification and guidance for all operators of turbojet aircraft for establishing operators’ methods of ensuring that sufficient landing distance exists for safely making a full stop landing with an acceptable safety margin, on the runway to be used, in the conditions existing at the time of arrival, and with the deceleration means and airplane configuration to be used…………

Guidance: Existing Requirements
A review of the current applicable regulations indicates that the regulations do not specify the type of landing distance assessment that must be performed at the time of arrival, but operators are required to restrict or suspend operations when conditions are hazardous. Failure to ensure an operation can be conducted safely may be considered a careless or reckless operation. The FAA considers it necessary for operators to perform such an assessment in order to ensure that the flight can be safely completed…………

New Requirements
The FAA will soon be issuing mandatory OpSpec/MSpec C082, ‘‘Landing Performance Assessments After Dispatch’’ for all turbojet operators. This OpSpec/MSpec will allow operations based on provisions as set forth in this notice. If not currently in compliance, all turbojet operators shall be brought into compliance with this notice and the requirements of OpSpec/MSpec C082 no later than October 1, 2006. The FAA anticipates that operators will be required to submit their proposed procedures for compliance with this notice and OpSpec/MSpec to their POI no later than September 1, 2006. When the operator demonstrates the ability to comply with the C082 authorization for landing distance assessments, and has complied with the training, and training program requirements below, OpSpec/ MSpec C082 should be issued. OpSpec/ MSpec C082 will be available from the FAA by June 30, 2006............

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