Congratulations on pilot training. Don't ever forget what a great opportunity this is. I've known many a good bro not get in due to bad timing, a minor health hic-cup etc. I was an IP there several years ago when they opened the flood gates and struggled with the lackadaisical attitude I found among some students. Be prepared, have a good attitude and appreciate the best training in the world. Laughlin is a tough place to live but hopefully, you will look back on your year there with great memories. Fly safe!
Dont suck, Del Rio isnt exactely paradise but the lake is all right, Austin will be your Mecca, there is an awesome BBQ joint past the first bridge on the south side of the railroad tracks headed towards town, the best breakfast on base is at the bowling alley, you'll have long days...very long days, work smart, hooking a ride is not the end of the world, pay attention, ask question when appropriate. good luck and dont suck.
UPT was the greatest year of my life. I loved every minute of it. Where else do you get the keys to a T-38 for a solo area contact ride? Once you get past UPT, all your hops will be mission oriented, and you'll never chase clouds again. Focus like a laser, don't screw around too much, and you'll do fine.
About the best entertainment out there when you need a break is Lake Amistad. There are portions of the shore where you can cliff-dive... check the water depth first, and be careful... it's a rush.
Thanks for the input everyone. I still have casual to go, then I'll be down south.
I'm starting to wish I would've payed attention to Spanish class in High School.
I've been waiting all my life for this so I will have to make sure that the banana shows don't get in the way of that:laugh:
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