For those of you who fly Beechjets and use, do you find the fuel burns accurate if you use the Hawker400 profile? If so, which is the more accurate number, the hourly burn numbers or the advanced numbers?
we have about 25 ish beechjets--- it takes a few legs to figure that specific plane out so i always start out 1600, 1100, 1000,1000-- and tweak it as necessary.
ive also went in the advanced method and did things like start at an airspeed and decrease it 3 kts per thousand feet up to 43000'--- it seems to be failry accurate--- i took the long range cruise numbers and plugged them all in-- it took about 15 minutes of tweaking but its even more accurate than the hourly method
just rememebr if u only have one its easy, but it will take a few legs and an understanding of a multiple of variables to get accuracy like whats ISA, are you in aspen, and my favorite are you descending into PWK 287 miles out with chicago center/approach
only then ... can you tame,,, the mighty beechjet grasshopper
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