Hi All,
I was curious if the Hawker 1000 could do this airport.
3600' landing distance sea level
4900' take-off(displaced threshold). part 91 only need 1 hr. fuel with reserves and on avg. 4 people.
Also, any other thoughts on the aircraft.
Thanks so much.
No on the landing distance-SL at 20000lbs (1500 fuel and pax) is about 4100ft dry and 4730ft wet (factored)
Now "could it do it?"-yes-reversers are not figured in landing performance, but legally, no.
As for the take off, no problem at all. 23000lbs only needs 4290ft up to 20deg C, you could get out at 27000lbs even at 20deg C or below.
Not sure what thoughts you're looking for, but as someone who regularly flies the 700, 800XP and 1000 the others don't come close to this aircraft...much better baggage room, much better engines (fadec pratts), more thrust...what's not to like? Downsides are training costs, only 52 on the planet and correspondingly few typed and current pilots.
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