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Gulfstream Grads. at Pinnacle??

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2002
Does anyone know how the Gulfstream Academy grads. are doing at Pinnacle Airlines?? I know a bunch of them got hired and continue to get hired with as little as 500hrs total time. Do the regular Pinnacle captains like flying with there guys?? Any info is appreciated.


P.S. What do you regional pilots think of a flight school like Gulfstream International?
Here it comes!!!

I don't know anything about pinnacle, but you just opened a whole big can of worms with a question like that about Gulfstream. This thread is going to be forever long with no good information for you, except how bad Gulfstream sucks(opinions mostly).
Info on Gulfstream is all over this site. Do a search and save yourself the headache.
they should open up a separate forum just for all of the info that has been posted on gulfstream on this board...
You should look around at the different PFT schools, some are better than others. I wouldn't suggest you look here very long, it appears there are a lot of bitter pilots out there!!! PFT may be an option if you don't want to go the CFI route. Not everybody was meant to be a flight instructor. I know of a friend who went to Gulfstream, he is now a FO at Soutwest!!! Go figure!! He has several friends that are at other majors, so I don't buy that whole "it's looked down on" attitude. I think that's the opinion of a few. The best advice would be to explore all of your options, and keep an open mind!!! Good Luck!!!
I just finished a trip with an ex-Gulfstream prick. Was without a doubt the worst trip I have flown. This guy, apparently thought that the FO's job is to try and be the best Captain he could be. What a tool. As far as I'm concerened, I hope to never have one of you pricks as my FO again. Thanks for a shi#$y weekend....
I've flown with 3 of them, including one right after IOE and had no real problems with them. They were a little slow, but being brand new on the plane no different from other new guys I've flown with. They did ask a lot of quesions and seemed willing to take advice and follow up on my suggestions.

As for making it through training, as far as I know only 2 haven't. Someone in the training department or one of the IOE Captains would know better then myself.
aught not to be so hard on these guys. How in the world would they know how to act. Remember how you felt as a private pilot when you were around professionals. That is the level that they are at.
That is probably the one down side to the bridge programs. Just cant teach things like self confidence. That is gained out in the world and until they have a couple thousand hours they will be a little slow and they will be over-compensating for there lack of experience trying to fit in and all.
We are just not used to that at this level in the game and most of us got over that stuff when we were bangin around at the little guys.

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