This doesnt make sense to me.,... but here goes.
My roommate says that when he gets his Commercial MEL, hes wants to leave our flight school here and go to Gulfstream to pay for SIC time in a Beech 1900... fine, whatever. Now he says that after getting 450 hours SIC in Part 121, he will get hired to fly a CRJ at Pinnacle.
He said his friend did this exact same thing..... by the time he had 600 hours tt. He was hired by Pinnacle and has been flying CRJ for the past 2 years.
This doesnt make sense to me... and seems like the easy way out.
My roommate says that when he gets his Commercial MEL, hes wants to leave our flight school here and go to Gulfstream to pay for SIC time in a Beech 1900... fine, whatever. Now he says that after getting 450 hours SIC in Part 121, he will get hired to fly a CRJ at Pinnacle.
He said his friend did this exact same thing..... by the time he had 600 hours tt. He was hired by Pinnacle and has been flying CRJ for the past 2 years.
This doesnt make sense to me... and seems like the easy way out.