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Guarantee interview with Allegheny

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Sep 13, 2002
Does anyone have any info on a School in Deland FL called
Regional Airline Academy. They are offering a 30 day Airline Transition Course with a guarantee interview with Allegheny or Trans State Airline after completion.

Any info on Allegheny or Regional Airline Academy would be greatly appreciated.
I went there for an Allegheny Airlines Job fair in january of this year. They spent about a half an hour trying to sell there company to us. (allegheny) Telling us about benifits and why you should work for them and what not. They told us how hiring is more competitive, and that you need something on your resume to get noticed. Then they introduce a new FO they hired who went to regional airline academy. (basically saying we should go there to if we want to get a job) Then came question and answer session....a guy asked them what competitive times were, and how many they would hire for 2002. They said you really needed about 2500tt and 500 multi. (which i'm sure no one in the room was even close to) And they said you need to be competitive cause they only planned to hire less people then were in the room for the job fair. Such a joke...then they ended up furloughing people later this year. I just thought it was the stupidist thing, just a way to make people waste there $ on RAA i thought. Every one was there in there nice suits, with resumes in hand. (they said to do this) And very excited. Mostly all local CFI's...everyone left pretty depressed and laughing about it on the outside. I remember i had just under 1200tt, and 170 multi at the time. I'll never forget the atmosphere of the room after he said competitvely you needed 2500/500. ugh. Pulling 100 multi out of your arse in daytona is a miracle to do, it's just so saturated there. 500 implied a very long time. Back then people didn't quite know the realities of what you now needed to get a job. It hit hard that day.
airline interview

My employer, Colgan air, a USExp code share is hiring and has three classes going right now with fifty more pilots hired after new year. send me a private email if you want info.

Well, lets see iwas there over a few years ago, one of my instructors was slected from the pool.

He was cut loose just after Sept 11th, recived a letter that he was on a list, and has not been called back as of yet.

So goes it , rember that all airline have agreements with the various schools so that they can take their pick of what they like .

Also remember its a sales job stuidents mean money comming in , more stuidents more money, and also most schools will tell you any thing you want to hear, so be careful out there because to some you are extra income, at you own expence.

the instructor that i flew with is stillwaiting but even he says its lame oooooooooooooooo.................:eek:
A couple of years ago these program were great. Tons of people were getting hired at 500 TT and 50 multi and there was a shortage of cfi's at many schools the hiring was so good at the regionals. Things are very different now. There's one big problem with these so-called bridge programs and preferential interview courses: You never know how long they will last. Here's an example:

I'll use GIA's PFT program as an example since that's who my airline (Pinnacle) is providing pref interviews to now. Let's say that you start from zero time today at GIA working towards that pref interview. You'll probably finish all your ratings and get to 500 TT in about 14 months if you work hard. Will we (Pinnacle) still be hiring in 14 months? If not, what good is that pref interview? Does the school include getting your CFI in the program? If not, what will you do if the airline stops hiring? Looks like you'll be spending more money to get your instructor ratings. Pinnacle just hired about 40 more guys from GIA last week. However, these guys were at GIA long before the pref interview program even got started. They just got lucky that Pinnacle came to GIA with a deal. Those people that go to GIA now have no idea whether Pinnacle will be hiring when they finish their training. It's a big gamble. You're much better off going the more traditional route nowadays. I used to recommend to people to go to these 141 schools like Comair, Pan Am, GIA, etc... The way the industry is now though, you're better off going to an FBO to get your ratings and instruct for a little while.
Hiring mins

Don't feel bad. The more things change the more they stay the same. Ten years ago, if there was any hiring at all, you needed about 2500 total and 500 multi, with your ATP. I had my first interview with about 2800 total and 630 of multi. There were ex-military pilots at that regional interview with more than that. Times now are similar to ten years ago; only now seems to be worse.

Try to hang in, keep flying, and build your multi. Get your ATP when it's time.

Good anti-Gulfstream post, above.
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same boat


I am in your same boat roughly. I am just under my 1200TT now and looking at the next step possibly. I am\was considering the RAA thing. 4K for a month of interview prep would not be too bad. I think the sales guy is blowing smoke up are arsses though. He told me all guys form Allegheny were called back but according to things I read here that is not true. I asked for references and have not gotten any yet. We will see. I would suspect they may have some agreement with TSA. He told me they are working on their agreement with ACA now but have sent two guys there without the agreement. Alleghaeny and CoEX will not be looking for people for some time to come I would think and this is the other two lines they have agreements with.

I have pretty much given up on these guys and will focus on getting a cargo job to follow the progression of the more traditional route.

When were you going to attend if it pans out to be somewhat ligit?

Allegheny... really... How come I never got my recall notice???

TranStates is hiring though, so maybe they will line you up an interview with them. Actually RAA did help get me an interview with ALG, however they were slow to live up to their end and I got really fed up near the end. I did all of my own leg work!

My suggestion, it is good training, very good to get currency back for interviewing, however, before you sign the agreement tell them you want a clause that says if you do not interview with TranStates in 2-3months they will refund you $2000... I would not go back there unless they put a gaurantee like that IN WRITING.

I would like to thank everyone that responded to my inquiry. After the negative response to RAA program I have decided not to attend. Like everyone here, I have invested too much money in a career that seem to be stagnant. The last thing I want to do is give away another $4000, just to be told you do not meet our competitive minimums.

Everyone out there know how difficult it is to get a job in aviation right now. I have almost 1200tt 550m and 200 jet and a can't even find a job as a 172 captain....ha ha.. sometimes life suck

Once again Thanks everyone.....

Allegheny is not the best choice - even in these lean-hiring times. A couple of points:

1. Its future is clouded with regard to USAirways - the props may be the first to go - ERJs and CRJs can fly to most of Allegheny's routes and many, many displaced USAirways pilots are available and WAITING to fly them.

2. Although the Dash 8 is a great, comfortable airplane to fly, you can do better with RJs in terms of training - jet time is preferred to prop time unless you can get PIC quickly

3. The route structure is limited - big time. You'll be flying in the soup in the cold Northeast forever... I talked to an Allegheny Dash FO who told me he is absolutely "bored out of my mind" with regard to flying to the same few cities over and over

4. Point #1 - uncertain future. Note that PSA is furloughing as well.

With all due respect to Allegheny pilots out there, if you have options, I would go elsewhere - mainly because of the uncertainty factor... Good luck to all involved - this is a tough industry!


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