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Great Lakes Training

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DEN, far and away the largest.
MSP, now ridculously senior with the closure of Chicago
CYS, Cheyenne, WY (Small)
PGA, Page, Arizona, (Even Smaller)
Cardinal said:
holding a flashlight, with your instructor barking at you, using nothing but an RMI, in less than 6 seconds.
Dieterly said:
Sounds like a really professional place!!!

Well, in the case of a dual gen failure it gets dark and shortly thereafter the EFIS Auxillary Power dies. In the midst of which my sim partner and I were screwing up by the numbers, thus the stern talking to. At this juncture I personally didn't want to be sketching out radials and courses on a notepad wracking my brain trying to figure out which way to turn after station passage. Thus my comment. Surely the whole point of a simulator is to expose one to situations (including stress levels) not normally anticipated in line flying.
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as one of the previous posts mentioned, kiss your quality of life good by soon as you start ground school. It gets better when your seniority number keeps on going up, which it does fast at lakes. But then you upgrade, and then your quality of life will go to sh@t again. Somebody previously said you get fired after failing upgrade, thats incorrect. After your 3rd attempt to upgrade, then you are liable to get canned.

I was hired in '99 and trained by intimidation. I lived with my in-laws for 19 months because I was an FO for 18 months and didn't make enough money. I left this year and went to another regional where I started over in the right seat. I have more experience in the right seat than some of the left seaters I fly with. I have no regrets flying for GLA as should no one else. Keep flying and looking out for the betterment of your career.

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