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Great Lakes Sim

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Sep 16, 2002
What type of simulator does Great Lakes use for their interview?
I have tried to "search" for the information and was not successful.

Also, the company in Denver that provides their simulator?

Thanks for you help.
The sim they use for the interview is just a very basic PCATD. Its not for evaluating your actual flying skills as much as it is for your instrument skills. They will give you a takeoff, departure procedure, track a few radials, maybe two or three hold entries, and an ILS. Make sure you are calling for and doing the checklists you would be with the airplane you are presently flying. If you do the interview prep, I believe you use the exact same sim they do for the interview.
When I interviewed last April 2001, it was at the Raddison Hotel by the old stapleton airport. The sim was runned by, I think, Airline Crewresource Management and it was a Frasca 141. I don't see a sim prep as required to do well in it. All the speeds are 140 and the sim had big left turning tendencies.

Good Luck.

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