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Great Lakes Interviews

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
Anyone get a call from Lakes for interviews in October?

Also, any tips for the GL Interview would be appreciated. I have read the existing ones on aviationinterviews.com

Great Mistakes

Don't go to the interview unless you are a woman or a minority.
This company appears to be an anti-white male bias operator. One year ago there were approximately seven people interviewing for a multitude of positions at Great Lakes. The girls went in and one after the other went in sequence to the interview and then down to the simulator then it was the guys turn and each one in sequence was interviewed and then sent back to the initial holding room prior to the interview and then sent home. Do not spend a lot of money if you do go. Otherwise good luck in your career.
Re: Great Mistakes

Benzene said:
Don't go to the interview unless you are a woman or a minority.
This company appears to be an anti-white male bias operator. One year ago there were approximately seven people interviewing for a multitude of positions at Great Lakes.

Huh most of the people I have met and know are white males that fly for Lakes. I have seen and heard a few women as well.
When did you send them your resume?
What is your ME time?

I sent my goodies to them this last week 900TT 100 ME. Just curious if I am even in the running for a phone call.

training contract?

Hi...Does anyone know if there is a training contract with Great Lakes? I am considering applying for them, but am concerned about that.....
Also, does anyone know the name of the chief pilot? I have a friend who used to fly with them (2 years ago) and he will talk to the chief pilot if he is still the same guy!??
Thanks for all your help.
Wow Benzene, that is the first time I have heard that rumor about hiring. Typically there are 2 women and 2 minorities per class. Doesn't sound unusual to me in anyway. Is there something wrong with hiring minorities and women, I don't think so at all.

By the way, I work at Lakes and enjoy it except the pay, jr manning, and benefits. The people here are great and like to have a good time at work no matter what there position is.

There is a new chief pilot since last year.

There is a training contract.
"The people here are great and like to have a good time at work no matter what there position is."

I usually have a good time in any position i dont know about the rest of ya!
training contract

Hi Cornelius....
Thanks for the post back. I was wondering if you could tell me what the training contract is....sorry to bother you.
pmoffitt said:
When did you send them your resume?
What is your ME time?

I sent my goodies to them this last week 900TT 100 ME. Just curious if I am even in the running for a phone call.


I haven't gotten a call yet but I think you have enough time. I don't have any idea what they have on an average resume. I have less ME time than you.

- AZPilot
Thanks for the info. I misread your first post thinking you did have an interview setup.

Good Luck

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