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Great Lakes interview

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Active member
Sep 27, 2002
Just curious if anyone who interviewed with Great Lakes last week has heard from them yet.
Great Mistakes....be very careful going there. Years ago they had the worst rep in the airline industry, set back a few guys careers for a while. Things may have changed not sure. Just my .02 worth.
Country Wild said:
Great Mistakes....be very careful going there. Years ago they had the worst rep in the airline industry, set back a few guys careers for a while. Things may have changed not sure. Just my .02 worth.

I would imagine that those who are regular users of flightinfo.com would be familar with the ups and downs at Lakes. It appears they are having at least one class a month for the past 3 months. Upgrade times are supposed to be very quick as well. Yes, there may be better places out there but will they hire you and how much actual flying will you do? Those are things to factor in as well.

- AZPilot
Before going to Lakes I would try Air Wisconsin or Skywest. I spent 8 months at Lakes and couldn't wait to get out. It does beat flight instructing and it's quality time and you fly a lot but if you have any chance of going to Air Willy or SkyWest I would pursue that first. If all else fails then Lakes is a quick upgrade but the treatment is pretty bad, at least when I was there. Not sure how the new contract is coming. Last I heard not to well. A lot of personnel changes since I left so that may make a bit of difference.
Well it would be nice to have the choice, but since I and most of the interviewees I talked to didn't meet the mins for Air Willy or Skywest this really wasn't an option. Our great decision was C150 or B1900. Lakes personnel losses to Air Willy sound like a good thing.
The majority of people who say "Great Mistakes" have not worked there. Most of the minority that did work there and call it a mistake are the ones that failed upgrade, couldn't hack it, etc. It was the best career decision I ever made. Think of it this way...if you don't watch your butt all the time, you may get violated there. It keeps you VERY current and enhances your leadership skills. There is a very obvious difference between people that made the most of their time at Lakes and the ones that just warmed a seat. We have both types ex-Lakers over at Air Willy. I say go for Great Lakes if that's the only company you can get with right now. You can always leave later. 18 months is nothing.
Think of it this way...if you don't watch your butt all the time, you may get violated there.

AWACoff, could you please expand on this statement. I'm thinking about Lakes but I'm hesitant for several reasons, including this one.
Great Lakes / violations

I can't just sit here and read this without responding. Great Lakes will NOT get you violated. If you get violated, it's because YOU screwed up! Granted you need to watch duty times and that sort of thing, but you have to do that anywhere.

Don't get me wrong, I am very glad to be gone from there, but don't make your decision based on someone saying you may get violated. I worked there for over three years (most of that time as a captain) and not once did Great Lakes ever get me violated.

If you can handle a company that has not cared about it's employees, then keep your nose clean and do your time there. After the training contract expires apply somewhere else like Air Wisconsin or ACA or Sky West. I personally recommend Air Wisconsin!:D
I know 2 people that work for GLA; one was there for 2 1/2 years then was hired by American Airlines,and the other is a Capt for them now but just got an interview with Alaska.

They both say that GLA play "head games" with its employees/pilots and treat you like an object that flies THEIR passenger from A to B.

If you are a pilot that is older in age (33 and older) and need to make captain quick, then GLA is the place for you!!!! You WILL fly your a** off. (My captain friend made capt in 9 months!!). If you are younger, then if you can, try another regional airlines. (This is from them..not me). But, if you are the kind of person that can indure this kind of treatment and want to make capt pretty quick, then go for it. USE THEM AS THEY WILL USE YOU!!

And be prepared..there pay is probably THE lowest in the industry.

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