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Blues vs. Birds-Tailhook
Oct 11, 2005
Should be a good forum if, and only if, the pro-union and anti-union folks leave it alone. I know, wishful thinking.
GO UNIONS!!!! Wait a sec...they're the reason I'm furloughed. Nevermind. BAN THE UNIONS!!! Oops, the compnay I want ot work for is a Union Shop. Hmmmmmnnnnnnn..............BE NUETRAL!!! That'll work!

Be even better if pilots would stop
working for sub-standard pay, period.

Union or non-union, I don't care. We're
professionals and should be paid and
treated as such.

Just to throw around some round numbers,
does it really help the industry or a specific
company to take that substandard pay when
for 10 pilots the difference between realistic
pay and what is offered (that is to give those
10 pilots what they deserve) would only cost
the company $150000/year? ON $5 to $7 million

How 'bout some bigger numbers-
the company is going to loose a billion this
year so they hack wages on the people that
make the thing work and only save 50 million.
Percentage wise it is a negligible savings.

Cathay Pacific is giving rasises, buying machines
and making money. Fed-ex, UPS, Southwest and AirTran the same...there are others.

I no longer believe that the problem is with the people in the trenches, or what they get paid. I firmly believe it lies with the people that have "golden parachutes".

I would be more than willing to help an outfit with
a defined pay cut/freeze for a limited period of time if it was part of a well thought out program that made a substantial contribution to returning to profitability.

I do not believe that is what is happening. In part I feel that greed and excessive regulation have created top-heavy organizations that cannot function profitably even if the workers were not paid at all! This does not just apply to aviation. Look at the CEO's that have gotten their bonuses
by moving production to someplace like China...

I wish there was an easy answer!

Good luck Ladies and Gentlemen, we need it!
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belchfire said:
Be even better if pilots would stop
working for sub-standard pay, period.

Union or non-union, I don't care. ............
.............I wish there was an easy answer!

Good luck Ladies and Gentlemen, we need it!

So much for wishful thinking. (sigh.....)

Just wondering how this post in the EMPLOYMENT INTEL forum is going to help someone get a job.

Speaking of fair and equitable pay! Are there any good online resources for checking out corporate aircraft PIC/SIC pay range and benifit data? I believe NBAA has the data but, I'd like to avoid paying $175 in dues if don't have to at this time.
Huron-corporate isn't my gig but lurking on the
corporate pages I know that I have seen
something like what you seek, you might try
there. Something like pilotpay.com.
hope that helps.


I had mixed feelings about the rant.

I did manage to avoid the pro/anti union debate.

I write from the heart and from experience. I
suspect that you know that. If you know that, 420, you also know the restraint that I have shown in not sharing some things.

There are sucessful endeavors and failures. A
turboprop may be all that the CFI can dream
of, or a RJ, depending on where that persons
friends went...

For what it is worth I am urging caution to the
job seeker. I have very much enjoyed my career
so far as it has gone. I have met people that have
become friends-bonds that will last my lifetime.

Perhaps I run too deeply for you to understand. I
wrote about not just finding a job, but finding one
worth keeping...(can you offer that?)...

My sincere wish is that those that choose flying as
a way of putting bread on the table will examine more closely than I did the cost to those they love...

I urge those that are coming up to think in the
long term.

That is my gift to them...
Do you know enough people at a place that is profitable now that you can beat out all the other competition when you get to their "minimums"? (Put more bluntly, as in music there is more talent than there are record contracts, know any producers?).

My regrets if that point escaped anyone.

Again friends, ladies and gentlemen, good luck!
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