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GPS approach approval

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The $100,000,000 Question
Jan 23, 2003
My company is looking to get GPS approach approval. Anyone gone through this process recently that can give some tips. We are approved for enroute currently.
We have 2 CE-550's (Citation II). One has a Bendix KLN 900 the other has the Garmin GPS 500.
My understanding is to document your GPS approach procedures in your company ops manual, Have your POI review. Either in the aircraft or approved sim shoot the approach. Then the POI should generate the ops specs certifying your company for GPS approach capability.
Step One: Review the AFM Supplements and make sure the aircraft with the box is apporved for GPS IAPs.

Step Two: Develop a training program, unless the sim you use has the exact same equipment.

Step Three: Execute the training program and test the results.

Step Four: Concurrently with Step Three, contact your POI and submit Op Specs for Approval to fly GPS Approaches in the subject aircraft.
You might want to read the following publications. AC90-94 part 1 and 2.
Your flight manual supplement must be written for you aircrafts installation.
Be very specific with the exact sections of the Ops Specs that you want approval for. If you aren't already, this is a good time to get class II navigation and class G airspace approval.

FlyFlyFly said:
Step One: Review the AFM Supplements and make sure the aircraft with the box is apporved for GPS IAPs.

Step Two: Develop a training program, unless the sim you use has the exact same equipment.

Step Three: Execute the training program and test the results.

Step Four: Concurrently with Step Three, contact your POI and submit Op Specs for Approval to fly GPS Approaches in the subject aircraft.
Hello guys, all of the above information is true and correct. several opspecs will have to be changed, class II Nav, authorized approaches, terminal stars and sids use of...

just food for thought... from a flying mechanic... i have seen several operators and customers install GPS upgrades and not certify them for Approaches. any GPS / FMS has to demonstrate theses approaches as part of the install. if you do not log and enter the establishing approaches in the MX logs, you will be illegally shooting approaches with your new state of the art GPS gizmo.

you may already know this, just thought i would pass it on. just trying to cover your back.

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