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Gov't bailout money VS Reregulation?

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Gov't bail out money or invest this money to reregulate the airlines?

  • Government bail out money

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Reregulate the airlines

    Votes: 15 53.6%
  • Neither one

    Votes: 11 39.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 2, 2002
Perhaps, instead of the gov't offering billions of dollars to temporarily bail out airlines maybe they should re-regulate airlines. What is your opinion?
The gov't should get out of the regulation business. The main reason why airlines are hurting so badly is because of the heavy tax burden they are FORCED to bear. Last year the airlines lost $8 Billion, and the new security is costing them $6 Billion. I'll concede that security is slightly better but that is bound to happen when you pay 4 guys $30k a year to do what it took one dude making min. wage.

If the gov't reduced the tax burden on airlines then they would be able to survive without any federal monies.

Also, who believes that airlines are "deregulated?" Does the gov't tell Microsoft where they can sell their products and at what times of the day? Look at the next press release reguarding new routes. I'll bet it says in the fine print something like "subject to government approval."

Now you just got my panties in a wad!
i think that all the airlines ceo's need to have their pay cut to about $80k per year and put the money that would of gone to their salaries towards rebuilding the industry. big glen tilton is doing a crappy job anyhow, why should he "earn" over a million plus per year...
Take a look at history. The re-regualtion everyone is talking about is the kind we had pre-1978. Of course the gov't still regulates aviation. But the kind of regulation we had in the 60's and 70's was very strict. i.e. all new Int'l routes to Pan Am and TWA. Airlines like COA and EAL and DL never got thier Intl. routes until after 1978. I think re-regulation would stop the hemmoraging of cash that the majors are experiencing now. And it would stop all of this other bull$hit from happening. The collapse of many of the great airlines that pioneered this industry was the direct result of de-regulation. (Pan Am, Eastern, Braniff) Airlines like People's Express, and Texas Intl. killed any of the great airlines we miss. Now the likes of Jet Blue and Air Tran and SWA are doing the same. Now I am not saying that I dislike any of theese LCC's but I belive a little gov't regualtion would help a struggling industry right now. UAL/AA/U, etc are fighting a two front war here. They are trying to keep a dwindling Intl. market, and fighting airlines like SWA that cut deep into the heart of the domestic market with thier low fares. Re-regulation would result in higher ticket prices in the long run, but It would end up saving thousands of jobs right now.

I'll get off my soapbox now. Don't flame me, just my .02


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