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GOUGE: NETJETS interview questions...

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2001
Here are some of the interview questions.

1. Would you be willing to drive a rental car 149 miles at 0300 to pick up an airplane and then continue flying all day until 14 hours?

2. Would you be willing to carry your driver's license with you during your tours and rent vehicles to reposition?

3. Can you afford to wait 2-4 weeks for a reimbursment check for hotels, rental cars, etc.?

4. Would you be willing to be an FO on FO pay (29k) for at least two years, maybe more?

5. Would you be willing to work 17 days a month? Can you accept being extended past 17 days with little notice?

6. Would you accept two day turns at home?

7. Would you be willing to sit on "hot standby" twelve hours at a po-dunk FBO?

8. Would you be willing to take a PIC checkride every 6 months? Yes a PIC checkride, we know you are an SIC, but you still do the ride.

9. Would you be willing to work 14 hours days with 10 hours of rest on a continual basis?

10. Would you be willing to fly for three hours with an owner who chain smokes behind you? How about cigars? How about dogs? Cats? Hamsters?

11. Would you be willing to be the SIC once you upgrade to captain? Frequently captains are paired together.

12. Would you be willing to pay for your own hotel during Indoc?

13. Would you sign a two year contract?

14. Would you be willing to drive a 1978 Capris crew car from Terry Indiana to your hotel after a twelve hour day? In a snowstorm? Two nights in a row? Three?

15. Would you be willing to do static demos to potential owners, answer questions? Be a salesman?

16. Would you be willing to load bags?

17. Would you be willing to airline twice in six days? How about three times in six days? Four?

18. How do you feel about cleaning up after kids? Vacuuming? Wiping down toilet seats?

19. Would you be willing to do OCFs? What are OCFs? They're test flights,....I mean, we call them operational check flights, to make sure the plane works. Like after flight controls are rigged, engines quit, etc. How often? How about once a week?

20. Would you be willing to pay union dues to the Teamsters during your probationary year?

21. Would you accept a citation ultra?
Maybe it's my ignorance, or lack of experience in aviation, but those questions seem pretty rediculous to me. What kind of answers are they looking for??? Do they want you to answer yes to them all??? I would hope not....
They were not real questions.

Flex was offering a bit of advice to those who wish to employ themselves at NetJets.

The 'gouge' was insightful, something to consider though when planning a career move.
Yikes! I am starting to see the light... Seriously, you guys should start striking soon... It's worse than I thought.
Just the Tip of the Iceberg

The questions he posted are just the tip of the iceberg. Do yourself a favor and dont waste your time with a stop at NutJets. The only ones getting rich are Shamtulli, Beauffet, and Chainsaw Boisture.

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