congrats, I guess my only question would be is there any you would have liked to known prior to going to AMS and is there anything I should bring that is not on the list.
Sure, I could use some advice. I should be headed there this Spring or Summer. Please contact me by e-mail: [email protected] or if you'd prefer to discuss here, just say so.
1.) If you bring a laptop, bring a printer. You will be able to use both if you bring them.
2.) You can't use cell phones until the last few days. No e-mailing (or internet access) is allowed either. There is a computer in each dorm that is connected to a central printer (1 per squadron - 20 people). The printer can get busy. That's why it's useful, but not required to have a laptop and printer.
3.) You can have a camera. Bring one.
4.) Try and get there on Saturday as opposed to Sunday. You will have time to get your room in inspection order, instead of trying to do it the first few days when you have no time. Your training rep can get the extra day for you if you ask.
5.) Can't wear civilian clothes until the last day, so don't bother bringing them.
6.) If you are prior enlisted, bring ribbons and duty badges (a few sets) Do not bring enlisted rank. You will wear the ribbons and badges, but no rank. You will get "student" rank based on your position in the wing or squadron that you will wear.
That's the first things that come to mind. E-mail me with any other questions you have: [email protected]
Here's a dumb question... I can't remember reading about pull-ups being part of the PFT. Anybody know if they are required? If so, what's the #/time alotted? Just wanna be ready to rock when I get there.
There is no organized PT during the week. You are expected to work out at least 30 min cardio and 30 minutes strength per week. There is a gym there that you can go to for workouts.
On Saturdays, there is normally an organized PT event, but it's normally volleyball, basketball, etc.
What I'm trying to say is that the PT at AMS is not really PT at all. It's very easy.
Geez... I wonder if OTS is the same as AMS. I punish myself for at least an hour every morning at 5am. Good news is my beer keg is turning into a six pack.
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