I'm 6'2" and after hearing how big some of the other Viper drivers have been I guess I'm not too worried. Thanks for all the good responses. The power was not on in the jet so I guess moving the seat down wasn't an option. I was just so pumped to be up there I kinda didn't realize my HUD view wasn't great until I got back on the ground. One more quick question: how heavy are some of the mil pilots out there? I'm a center for the football team at Rice so I tip the scales at about 275. I've had to put 50 of that on in the last two and a half years, so I'm confident I could get it back off. I remember Chad Hennings from the AFA flew A-10s before he went pro for the Cowboys and I'd guess he didn't slim up to 180. Is there a max 'ideal' weight (other than passing the fit tests and body fat %, but I think I can do those now)?