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Getting the Delta Interview

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2004
What does it take to get a Delta Interview. My app is in, I'm a Check Airman at a large regional with a few other stand out points on my resume, and I have a Masters degree. No call. I know a lot of times it's who you know and I don't really know anyone at Delta to walk in my resume, but is there anything else I can do to get the call.
Any info apprieciated.
Delta is going to be at Air Inc. job fairs. You could get some face time with Capt. Jon Swift there. Come prepped for an interview, Blue conservative suit, resume and have answers for all the "why would we want to hire you" questions. Think of this as a chance to meet and greet, or a pre-screening.

World was even interviewing immediately if you were interested in flying trips to the sand box for 20 days at a time.

The smaller fairs are even better. ATL will probably be a mob scene of desperate ASA pilots.
I second the fact that if you can get to ATL for the job fair I would do it. They are going to offer interviews from this group.
Best of Luck.
There were a few people in the fourth class that knew no one. They are calling those too.
Increase you odds, If you are really prepared and well spoken it can only help.
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I second the fact that if you can get to ATL for the job fair I would do it. They are going to offer interviews from this group.
Best of Luck.
There were a few people in the fourth class that knew no one. They are calling those too.
Increase you odds,
If you are really prepared and well spoken if can only help.

I guess once you get the job; you no longer have to be?
I'm just giving you crap...

I have been reading your Delta post's and find them very informative.
Thank you for keeping us up to date.

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