The Interview Is Very Laid Back. Everyone Is Very Nice And Helpful. To Be Honest Just Be Yourself And Relax. They Just Want To Get To Know You. They Really Don't Ask Tech Questions. At Least That Was My Experiance And A Few Others Before Me. If You Have Any Other Questions Let Me Know.
i haven't heard any numbers--seems like they are doing some from luv2flylouie. have some buds really interested in gac.
luv2flylouie: any idea how many pilots they may be bringing onboard? i understand what minimums are (they are just that-minimums) but any idea what is actually competitive for gac? thanks for the info.
If Gemini can execute well in 2005, 2006 looks very promising for additional equipment, contracts and new-hires.
We have hired about 50 folks since September.
For attrition, you may see the odd class through out the year, or they may build a pool of candidates to choose from.
Hope this helps.
As far as competitive minimums. The FOPM states 3000ttl with 1000hrs of PIC turbine. Granted we hired some folks from the S. Florida area who had no PIC turbine time. I have been told this has stopped.
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