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G IIB Performance

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Actually, if you want to get down to it, it is airport specific. Given that the normal technique is to use Min EPR. But, airports such as New Haven, rwy 15 at Burbank, etc, all recomend using a max flex technique. I was simply saying that on a day to day basis it is probably best to use a flex quiet climb and mind your airport specific guidance. I guess it seems that maybe I have been paying more attention than you my friend.;)
Here is a link to the Gulfstream noise manual. It includes restrictions at specific airports and how it affects each Gulfstream type (ie if a GIIB would be prohibited or during which hours it's retricted etc.). A quick glance also shows that the GIIB produces about 83dB on takeoff. The Noise Abatement procedure says that it is applicable to the GIV and GV. For the GIIB you want to find AFM Supplement GIIB-OIS-8. I don't fly the II so I don't have it. I tried to find it for you on mygulfstream.com, but this is what I came up with. Good luck.

Bro.....forget the GII. There are Challenger 601's out there for $1.4 million that are NICE. Screw those old piles. They are ridiculous gas hogs.
Bro.....forget the GII. There are Challenger 601's out there for $1.4 million that are NICE. Screw those old piles. They are ridiculous gas hogs.

I agree, But when I used to tell the ladies I was flying a Challenger, they just shrugged. When I say Gulfstream, you can see physiological signs of arousal. 60% of the time it works every time.:pimp:
I agree, But when I used to tell the ladies I was flying a Challenger, they just shrugged. When I say Gulfstream, you can see physiological signs of arousal. 60% of the time it works every time.:pimp:


But in all seriousness, there's chicks all over the place that are willing to bend over for us pilots....hahaha

Why don't you be a hero and tell your boss to get a Challenger 601 for probably close to the same price as a GIIB.......but he'll have a plane that is huge inside, damn good range, will burn a TON less fuel and do it all while being nice and quiet.

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