Wondering if any 11X AFSC types (pilots) have applied for separation via Palace Chase under the recently announced Force Shaping initiatives (phase I or II)? More the point, have any been approved???
Dont ask me about the origins of the name but it is essentially a program that allows AD AF members to tranfer to the Guard/Reserve component to serve out their remaining service commitment (normally 2:1 for enlisted, 3:1 for officers).
Force Shaping is the overarching force reduction initiative in motion now to trim approx 16,000 airmen from the AD AF. It's utilizing a host of personnel tools to include Palace Chase and Limited Active Duty Service Commitment waivers (ie walk free and clear), as well as others (like my favorite: voluntary transfer to the Army).
I was told today that if you spill the beans and tell the AF that you are getting out you will be gone in 120 days from when you turn down the assignment.
I was told by my funtional at AFMPC about 4 hours ago.
He is a friend of mine and he told me about an assignment that I was about to get and what was going to happen if I declined it. 120 days, totally out of his hands.
I still owe a year from my UPT and 10 months for my PCS and I will be getting out 6 months early without considering terminal leave. I was also told that if you turn down a PME school slot it is the same story. I do not know what would happen if you owe more than a year but that is a question I could ask my friend at AFMPC. His initial impression was that you are gone after you 7 day opt no questions asked. I am not sure what the rules are on 7 day opt if you owe more than a year. I know that they can't force you to accept more commitment but they can give you a really bad deal to help change your mind.
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