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Future of Chautauqua?

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no jumpseat because we hurt the company

...I do remember giving many comair guys a ride during the strike and nobody gave them grief, except I did here some crapola about some Delta guys give the a hard time. Can anyone confirm this.

Delta management denied the Comair pilots jumpseats.

I've heard that the Delta MEC protested this decision.
The degree to which they protested is not known to me
and probably, most Delta pilots.

Perhaps it was one of those meaningless political gestures
that some espouse to demonstrate union support. The end result was no jumpseat privileges with mainline during the strike.

We cannot even give our own furloughed pilots jumpseats now, and the company did NOT want to give the Comair pilots jumpseats during their strike. It wasn't our call. Sure, we would have loved to given them a jumpseat to get around, but we could not. We also wanted them to win their strike, but they did not.

Bye Bye--General Lee:rolleyes:
I'll tell you General...its about time for pilots do get off our collective asses and do a bunch of stuff...but getting management's collective hands off our jumpseats should be near the top of the list.

I'm too old school, I figure its the captain's plane once he signs for it. It's not up to some management puke to dictate what airline pilot can or can't sit there. Furthermore, so a pilot is safe with the airplane, and then gets furloughed and becomes a security risk? WTF? My attitude is that if the management puke wants to dictate jumpseat policy, then go be a line dog. Until then, STFU. Just go to your office, sit in your soft clothes, write memos, file TPS reports, and pretend you're still a pilot.

And the funny part is that I'm not one of the militant ones.

Just my meaningless rant.
Yankee301 said:
Hey Matchdog, YOU ARE A MORON. CHQ is a great place to work. The pilot group is fighting for the whole airline industry. I have seen some of you other posts. You are one of the scab wannabes who want to take concessions at ACA. Tell me do you have aspirations to be management?


I think that machdog's comments regarding Chautauqua were inflammatory and uncalled for. However, please don't label him a "scab wannabe" because he supports the TA proposed by our MEC. A scab is a pilot who flies struck work. Period. Please do not minimize the meaning of the word by using it in such a grossly inaccurate context.

The situation at ACA is simple. We will have to give something in order to compete with the bids submitted by other carriers. I don't feel that this TA is necessary, after reading all of its points. I also don't feel that we don't need to give anything in order to compete with bids from several other carriers with lower cost structures (read lower pilot compensation), including Chautauqua with its current cost structure. Make no mistake about it--I want CHQ to achieve the contract that it is seeking. It will be easier to show our management, UAL management, and Bain Consulting what the current "market rates" are for pilots flying small jets if you do get an industry leading contract. As I've stated previously, I will gladly contribute to the strike fund if you guys do strike. If all small jet providers had been on the same level in years past, we would probably not be having this discussion now.

Please do not make the UEX carriers your "dammit dolls". We have had the industry leading contracts that you are seeking for the past several years, along with the wholly owned Delta carriers. If you are looking for a pilot group to blame, then set your sights on the Freedom idiots that put the Mesa pilots' backs against the wall. They started the current whipsaw that has permeated the industry and left us all scrambling to keep our livelihood intact.

I'm off the soapbox for now.

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