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Future of Chautauqua?

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Get Some!
May 26, 2003
I am going to interview with CHQ next week. I would like some insight as to how this "Republic" saga is going to affect me as well as the pilots already flying. Are they going to suspend hiring? How bad are things? I don't want to get hired only to find myself unemployeed again. I am not a pessimist, nor am I already considering myself hired...but your imput would sure help! Regardless I wish all involved the best of luck!


Following What I said earlier.

Let me restate the above and I guess the obvious...what exactly is going on? I am sitting FD&H and don't have any info on the situation to make an intelligent decision for myself. I would like to at least know the facts of the situation.

Thanks Again,

Unfortunatly, your not going to be able to get many facts on this situation since Wexford is stone walling all their pilots.

Stay strong guys.
Here's a reply that may be useful....
Airplanes are great, crews are great. Lots of forecast hiring, but unrest within the pilot group since mgmt is crapping on us at the table. Right now 2nd year F/O pay sucks a**, trying to remedy that with the contract but mgmt is telling us we're overpaid as it is. Airways ALPA refused to staff Republic so Wexford is trying to browbeat SA into being the new Republic. Strike vote going out to pilots tomorrow. IF we can get the contract straightened out and don't lose our jobs to Republic/Shuttle/whoever, it will be a great place to be for the next few years. Don't be discouraged, the company has a lot going for it if these hurdles can be overcome. Just trying to keep you from being too FD&H
Good luck.
Hey Matchdog, YOU ARE A MORON. CHQ is a great place to work. The pilot group is fighting for the whole airline industry. I have seen some of you other posts. You are one of the scab wannabes who want to take concessions at ACA. Tell me do you have aspirations to be management?

currious, how will this affect the classdates of the future if you do indeed go on strike? i understand the possible circumstances and responses surriounding the company and the pilots, however what could happen to the claasses scheduled for right after the vote? fore example, the strike ballots are counted on June 20th. and theres a newhire class starting the 30th. If you do strike, how does that affect the class and what are the possible responses from the company that could affect that class? could those participants find themselves sitting idly for a few months waiting to start?
This has been beat to death, but the long and short is that a strike ballot isn't a requirement, but an authorization. There will be a significant time lag between the vote, confirmation of result, release from arbitration, 30 day cooling off period, et. al. before we're actually out there with 2x4's in hand. Anyone who is probationary will probably be fired at that point and rehired at the conclusion of the strike. This, of course, assumes a strike occurs, and I sincerely doubt our management is that stupid. I could be wrong. It always pays to make those strike travel plans early. BTW, did anyone give the Comair guys grief when they jumpseated during the strike?

I'm not a Chit Taco pilot but have several friends there and they all seem happy all things considered. I think they've got a good thing by contracting with multiple airlines. As far as the SA republic and other crap goes you cannot due anything about it so why worry. Unless you have some awsome corp job, Taco is one of the best things goin this day in age. So quit worrying and start getting ready to interview, get online asap and build senority, its the best thing you can have in ref. to keeping your job.

Good Luck

Aceshoot - I do remember giving many comair guys a ride during the strike and nobody gave them grief, except I did here some crapola about some Delta guys give the a hard time. Can anyone confirm this. I seem to remember a story from the old board that was up at the time.

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