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Future Contract Payscale/Netjets

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Can you also work on Global Warming, the extinction of certain species, social security, the national debt, disease in Africa, Alternative fuels, space debri, and please hurry, I am aging not very gracefully.

Note: the above problems are probably easier to solve than a Netjets contract that will make everyone happy so could you start on them before undertaking the contract.
I have to disagree on the theory that it will be hard to please a majority of the NJ pilots. They are actually quite unified in their goals, as can be seen by their actions---82% voted against the last TA and and around 90% voted for SU--and the survey results from the Wilson Research Center. They (WRC) say they haven't seen such solidarity in years! Negotiation will be based on the survey results . It's a simple concept: fight for what the pilots want, keep them informed every step of the way and they will be satisfied with the results. SU will not recommend a vote for a TA that fails to meet the stated expectations of the group. WRC will continue the phone polls every 90 days, as the process evolves.

Cheering them on,
Also, if THIS MEC can't get what we want then nobody can and it will time to STFD !!! The current, elected MEC is doing a FANTASTIC JOB so far !!!
The recent survey conducted by a large research firm indicated the level of frustration/anger and unity at NutJets is bordering a level unseen for over a decade.

Its was made clear through the mail and phone surveys that a strike vote would render an almost perfect percent and the "STFD" sentiment could easily come to fruition.

Lets not kid ourselves, NJA is not where you want to be. Forget about flying a Citation X across the country and the "glory" associated with it and begin to think of how you could put your children through college on these wages.

The earliest upgrade will surely come in the 400XP(beechjet) or the Ultra but the time frame management gives is day dreaming at best. Understand, however, that NJA is short of pilots and qualified applicants so it needs to bend the truth a little.

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