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Furlough Wisdom

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Flex 20

Dec 11, 2002
I need some help.

I'm soon to be furloughed from ACA. :( I have an awesome newborn son and a wife than makes good money (sweet sugar mama). :) I really want to remain with ACA as I believe it is an outstanding company with good leadership that stands to be well positioned for future growth based on the eventual recovery of UAL (but let's not debate that point here).

Should I become Mr. Mom and let my wife bring in the dough whilst I patiently wait for ACA to call back? Am I being naive that ACA WILL eventually recall me? Am I screwing my flying career if I fly part-time for 6-12 months and then ACA/UAL takes a dive? Should I try to get on with another, less ideal (to me) regional and forfeit my number at ACA?

I'm pissed off that I even have to make a decision here. But since I do I want to make the right one without throwing my career in the crapper.
If I were you, I'd go the Mr. Mom route. Flying part-time while waiting for a recall is not going to hurt you career-wise. Many COEX and Eagle pilots have been doing that (or not flying at all) for nearly 2 years. On the other hand, ACA's future is kind of open to debate right now. I know you said you don't want to discuss United, but if they do liquidate, you could be close to the bottom of a 500 pilot dog-pile. I think 12 months to recall is very optimistic if that occurs. I stand by my original statement, though. Stay home with your kid, be real nice to your wife, and keep a finger on ACA's pulse. You can always change your mind and go elsewhere if you choose. To be honest, I envy your position. I know it's tough though. Good luck with your choice.

What was your date of hire?

I'd probably do the Mr. Mom thing as long as your wife doesn't mind being the sole breadwinner for awhile...you can always instruct off to the side or whatever. (By the way, if your wife has a sister who is also a "sugar mama", I'm available:D )

Like the other person said, you can always change your mind later, depending on what happens...

I looked at the situation where I was at and took a voluntary furlough so as to be home when my son was born. Im six weeks into it now and NWA just announced 250 more mainline furloughs and my airline is in contract negotiations.

You are in extremly good company on furlough theses days. I would just enjoy the time at home. Noone is hiring anyway.

Good luck.
furlowedSF34 said:
I looked at the situation where I was at and took a voluntary furlough so as to be home when my son was born. Im six weeks into it now and NWA just announced 250 more mainline furloughs and my airline is in contract negotiations.

You are in extremly good company on furlough theses days. I would just enjoy the time at home. Noone is hiring anyway.

Good luck.

You have an opportunity here to take care of your son. Enjoy it. Airplanes will still be around for a while but you child will only be little once.
Tust me, I wouldnt have missed the last few weeks for the world!

I do miss flying but I think this guy was wondering what he should do while on furlough and my point was there are thousands of us out here cashing unemployment checks right now.

I have been working all possible angles on getting WIA to pay for a B737 type while on furlough but I keep hitting brick walls. I am resigned to being on furlough atleast until sometime in 2004.

See Ya
Well, I'm not in your position of being furloughed, but I can side with those who say be "Mr. Mom".

I married a girl who had a 4 year old and I became his "dad" due to the fact that he sees his father once every two weeks, and sees me maybe three times that, but the quality of the time is what really counts.

You have the oppurtunity of not only being Mr. Mom, but "Dad", and a father he becomes very attatched to. Take the time and be his father as long as you can before you get recalled and can't spend as much time, it will mean the world to him.

Good Luck, sorry about your furlough.
Been there.

Now while I wasn't a Mr. Mom, I did get the boot for 8 and a half months right after 9/11. It does get really old after a while, but if you have kids to care for, you probably will enjoy your time a heck of a lot more.

My advice: Don't forget about unemployment. Apply right away and start collecting. Depending on what state you reside in will depend on how much you get. It's generally not much, but it's an entitlement that you shouldn't forget about. Also, take advantage of the opportunities out there. If you can get a free type rating out of this, do it. When else will that be out there for you? The thing is you have to research and ask around to find out what you can get, no one is going to knock on your door and advise you what you are entitled to.

If you think ACA is going to recover, I'd wait it out before you go to another regional. If there are any dream jobs you want, keep applying to them. They can't hire you if you don't apply after all. Just make sure they are places you would leave ACA for anyway. Also, don't get frustrated if you've sent out hundreds of resumes and don't even get a call back or a thank you note for sending it in. That's just the way it is most of the time. I think in all the stuff I sent out in eight months, I got one "thanks but no thanks" response, all the rest didn't even send out a three line form letter to let me know they got a resume. Oh well.

I'd say, don't let it get you down and enjoy the time with your kids.

Oh yeah, if you have any residual travel benefits with ACA, take advantage of them and visit parents/family you haven't been able to see for awhile, especially if you can take the young'uns along. If it's going to run out in a couple of months don't wait until a week after they are cancelled to kick yourself about missing an opportunity.
I'd think twice about being "Mr. Mom." Time with your kids is terrific...but can lead to great tension with the wife when she's the only bread winner.
Don't listen to Fox2. He obviously has insecurity issues or was born in the 40's and never broke free of the mentality that the man has to bring home the bacon. Enjoy the time with your child. In some ways I wish I would have been in your position a few years back. I commuted for the first 3 years of my son's life and feel like I missed out on a whole lot.

I'm sure your wife understands. As long as your not at the golf course everyday and pick up the slack with the chores around the house, she won't feel your taking advantage of her and the situation. Just make sure she doesn't get too used to it or word could spread and then you'll have every man in america hunting you down.;) Take care and enjoy the journey.

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