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Furlough question

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2001
I hope this isnt a dumb question, but lets say a pilot gets furloughed at the 1 year + 1 day point, and gets called back after 2 years, (same date to make the math easier, so he will coming back as if the 4th year) will they now get 4th year pay when they return as if they were there working the whole time (date of hire)? or 2nd year pay?
No, I am pretty sure it is time with the company, so it would be total consecutive time you have worked, not since date of hire
Depends on the company and what's in their furlough section of the contract. Delta pilots continue to accure senority for both pay and retirement purposes until recall, bypass of recall, or 10 years... whatever comes first.
ASA Contract section 23. A.5. A furloughed pilot, including a pilot on voluntary furlough, will retain and accrue seniority while on furlough and will retain and accrue longevity while on furlough and receiving pay in lieu of notice.

Section 3.A. Hourly Rates Based Upon Longevity, Status and Seat Range
At Continental Express, we accrue nothing while furloughed. If we had six months, and are furloughed 2 years, we go back at 1st year pay and have to work six months to get second year pay. The Union had to negotiate (as part of the prop MOU's) for us not to have to wait an additional six months for health and retirement benefits after we were recalled, even though we had those benefits before we were furloughed.
Same thing at Eagle, nadda. Not vacation, not time with company, nothing. Get to keep your number though. Bwaahahahaha!
Not quite...

"The Union had to negotiate (as part of the prop MOU's) for us not to have to wait an additional six months for health and retirement benefits after we were recalled, even though we had those benefits before we were furloughed."

The wait for insurance was always 6 months. It was before the furlough, and remained so until they negotiated the MOU. No one tried to add any time to the wait. Now, however, no furloughed pilot (even the 9/10/01 class) will have to wait one day to get benefits after recalled.
Re: Not quite...

Bluto said:
"The Union had to negotiate (as part of the prop MOU's) for us not to have to wait an additional six months for health and retirement benefits after we were recalled, even though we had those benefits before we were furloughed."

The wait for insurance was always 6 months. It was before the furlough, and remained so until they negotiated the MOU. No one tried to add any time to the wait. Now, however, no furloughed pilot (even the 9/10/01 class) will have to wait one day to get benefits after recalled.

Yea, having waited the initial six months, I'm aware of that. But, as I understand it, they were going to stick us all with ANOTHER SIX MONTH WAIT WHEN RECALLED.

Right at this minute, I can't recall where I saw that, but when I think of it, I promise I'll tell you where I heard that...and as always it or I could be wrong...

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