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We be flight instructin!
May 24, 2002
The FAA can not track your **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** signal, come on...Radio signals can not be traced, as a radio engineer I know this. Still, don't be idiots out there and go stepping on the radios either.
the letter we got at mesa said they were setting up a way to triangulate the signals on PHX airport.

Once they get who they suspected they could pull the cvr.

still sounds like BS
Ok, if radio signals can't be traced how does a DF steer or ADF work then. With a couple ground sites at PHX they could get a pretty good idea of who said what.
Ok.....now everyone listen up. If your going to play radio games at least do it right. Step on the call sign only. Keep your transmition to a minimum that way they will never find you.
Do you want to be responsible for someone blowing through a localizer in the soup and ice? How about a runway incursion? The problem with all you cool radio cowboys is that you're dicking everyone who's waiting to make a call, not just the freedom guys. Keep your personal vendettas off the freakin' radio...and grow the fug up.
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I don't fly for freedom, and I think it is pretty childish and dangerous!!! I mean what pilot in their right mind would even think of doing something this silly!!! Like Jim said, cvr's can only be used when there is an accident/incident. And from the sounds of thing's that will happen here soon, with guy's blocking radio transmissions. Then, when the accident/incident occurs, they will be able to go and pull cvr's, not to mention they'll have tower and center tapes as well.

By the way, how many newer airplanes have digital data recorders, not a continous loop. Those data recorders can capture hours and hours of data, before they are pulled and replaced. Just my piece!!!
328dude said:
Just a guess FL000, but I take it you fly for Freedom then if your getting this upset.

Bad guess. I don't work for them. I don't know anyone who does. I don't like what they stand for. I just hate seeing the advocation of childish methods to cure someone's hardon for what Freedom is doing. The battle doesn't belong on the radio.
Flying for food.

Most newer aircraft are digital recorders but only record the last 30 minutes. Not hours.
Actually, most of the newer CVR 's record on a 2 hour loop. DFDR's have a 25 hour loop (larger unit).

The claims of "targeting" comm transmissions are a strech of the truth.

Yes, you can "triangulate" a transmission but not to the degree required to CONCLUSIVELY determine source.

To then SUCCESFULLY use that as a method of prosecution is HIGHLY unlikely.

The "spook" letters supposedly disseminated by certain carriers are a "buckshot" method of deterrance.

They hope you'll be stupid enough to believe that garbage.

There not that far off, as many seem to believe just that.

That being said, i'm not advocating the practice even if these guys are parasites.

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