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FreedomAirlines "Mission Statement"

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Active member
Aug 3, 2002
For your enjoyment... from their website.
http://www.freedomairline.com About Freedom Airlines

It is the vision of Freedom Airlines' management that this carrier will be based on a new relationship between management and employees, based on mutual respect and trust that provides opportunity for growth and professional advancement. We intend to break the mold of traditional management-employee relationships in favor of dialogue, personal interaction and individual responsibility.

History has shown that the business as usual mentality that pervades much of the airline industry is fundamentally flawed. We want to challenge traditional thinking and create an open atmosphere where all employees perform their responsibilities with the overreaching goal of customer satisfaction. This endeavor will require teamwork and a firm belief in our organizational mission. To accomplish these goals, changes must be made from the top down.

Accordingly, management at Freedom Airlines has attempted to incorporate the best of "what works" in its compensation, work rules and policies. Our policies were developed in close association with active pilots and were drafted in a way to maximize both lifestyle issues important to pilots while assuring the productivity necessary for the organization's success.

We look forward to making Freedom Airlines a unique workplace experience. In order to achieve this goal our highest priority is to treat our employees as well as our customers in a helpful, friendly and respectful manner. Freedom Airlines believes in an atmosphere of teamwork fostered through common goals and the collective effort of all involved.

© Copyright 2003, Freedom Airlines. All Rights Reserved.
I guess that worked for what, 6 months. Now they get to come back to the MAG and deal with it. I don't know that I will ever consider giving a Freedom pilot the time of day. Inside the plane is a different story, but on the ground no way. I find most of them responsible for me being out of work going on one year. Good news is if the new TA passes I will jump over all the new hire Freedom guys and some that jumped from Mesa. Welcome to the new MAG!
Guess I haven't kept up on the goings-on at Mesa, its subsidiaries, etc. Is Freedom going away? Are they being merged into Mesa?
Yep, if it passes.

And it really should be a no brainer for the union guys to pass it. The biggest give away is that unlike all the other contract talk in the past months Johnny O is "NOT" trying to sell this one to the pilots. He has been conspicuously silent since the TA came into being. That's not like him, if this was anything towards his favor he'd be dishing out the propaganda for it with a steam shovel. He's desperately hoping that the pilots won't pass it so that he can trash the scope clause that he suckered himself into.

Basically, if the TA is passed, Freedom ceases to exist as a separate carrier and all it's assets (planes and pilots) will be sucked back into Mesa. While there is no specific requirement for the Freedom name to go away, it will because there will no longer be any benefit to maintaining the seperate certificate with all the associated, redundant costs.
Freedum Ass

To all you Freedom guys. You are the S_IT on my front lawn that my dog drops off ervery morning. You have bent over with out lube all your Mesa ALPA brothers and their families. You will never be forgotten as well as your NAMES!!!
I have a question. Will those Freedum CRJ70 Capts now be bumped to Air Midwest BE-1900 FO's with DOH seniority? That would be interesting!! Capt on a nice 70 seat RJ flying on the Civet Arrival to LAX one day, to an FO and hand flying a BE1900 in the bumps and dust for 2 hours to a hazy visual approach to Lake Havasu City the next. Bummer.

Bye Bye---General Lee
Last edited:
Mesa TA

Mesa MEC

Tentative Agreement Summary


Section 1: Recognition

New NMB certificate number for:
Mesa Airlines
Air Midwest
Freedom Airlines
All flying performed by "Mesa Air Group" Pilots
Length of wet lease/contract flying time now 60 days versus 90 days
No creation of "alter-ego" airlines
"Successorship" and "Transfer of Assets" language
Protection of pilots if Mesa Air Group acquires/transfers
Allows pilots the opportunity to follow aircraft if assets are

Section 2: Definitions

"Company" - now includes:
Mesa Airlines
Air Midwest
Freedom Airlines
Any other airlines acquired or established by Mesa Air Group
"Pilot" - now references "Mesa Air Group"
Other New Definitions reflect FAA training terms

Section 3: Compensation

Pay increases are guaranteed
New rate increases every 18 months
Addition of Company's 97.5% Controllable Cancellation pay
Controllable defined as:
Schedule adjustments
Aircraft damage
Historic average from Mar 2000 to Oct 2002
Of the 32 months, 8 months would not have met the requirements
Company will now pay 150% for all open time flying, including Junior

Section 4: Minimum Bid Period Guarantee

Current Book

Section 5: Expenses

Rate of $1.15/hour with annual increase based upon CPI
Language added requiring the Company and Association to meet
regarding any lodging concerns
Transportation for PHX based pilots from PHX to Williams Gateway
Training Facility
Moving expenses:
Company pays up to 9000 lbs of household goods through an agreed upon
moving company, or
Company will pay an allowance plus $500 if pilot self moves with an
agreed upon truck/van rental (Ryder, U-Haul)

Section 6: Deadhead

Current Book

Section 7: Vacation

Vacation week Sunday through Saturday
All 52 weeks eligible for bid
Cancellation notice
4 weeks, previously 2 weeks
Any documented non-refundable deposit reimbursed for cancelled
vacations (except for voluntary training)
Annual bid

Section 8: Sick Leave

Sick leave buy back program (productivity incentives)
"Catastrophic Illness Protection"

Section 9: Leaves of Absence

Jury Duty may be vacation or sick leave

Section 10: Physical Examinations

Incorporates System Board settlement
Chief Pilot's or designee's request for doctor's notes with
reasonable cause

Section 11: Training

Notification Requirements
7 days for training
5 days for PC/PT
considered notified until returned to line
Training contracts are now straight line amortization
50% reduction for 45 days notification of resignation
Set dollar amounts for Jet, TP 20-40 seat, TP 0-19 seat
SA transportation to training center in PHX for PHX based pilots

Section 12: Hours of Service

Minimum Days Off
Line Holders: minimum 10 days off per bid in domicile or TDY domicile
Reserve/Mixed Line Holder: minimum of 8 days off per bid in domicile
or TDY domicile
Pilots in training current practice

Section 13: Scheduling

Consecutive days off to 3 groups of 3 days for lineholders
best effort)
Consecutive days of to 2 groups of 3 days for reserves (to the extent

New Timeline for Scheduling Distribution

CB=Current Bargaining Agreement, TA=Tentative Agreement

§ Pilots required to fly carryover trips

§ During Integration, FAR conflicts will be resolved by
dropping either shifts or segments

§ Uncovered flying created during integration will be
assigned to pilots, in the following order:

o Line Holders

o Mixed line holders

o For IOE or consolidation

o Reserve

§ Call Me First (CMF)/Call Me Last (CML)

§ Extended Reserve Call Out provision

§ Ready Reserve incorporated

§ Company has right to reserve up to 5% of all known
for consolidation only

§ Continuous Duty Overnight cannot be scheduled for more
14 hours of continuous duty

Section 14: Transfer to Non Flying or Supervisory Duty

Management/Supervisory pilot return
Will return to a vacancy as per Section 23
Previously, came back solely on seniority
Pilots who transfer between the training department and the line
Instructors awarded domiciles in accordance with seniority
Now paid according to their equipment and seat as per Section 23
Instructors will not appear on the bid roster for bidding a line when
assigned to the Training Department
Instructors that are not in the domicile for the entire bid, will not
be on the roster
Instructors returning to their domicile in the middle of a bid, will
be assigned reserve until entitled to bid a line

Section 15: Miscellaneous Flying

Dual qualifications
No dual qualifications required (aircraft)
Only for Supervisory pilots
Previously for training pilots

Section 16: Seniority

All reference to Mesa Airlines, now Mesa Air Group
Posting of Seniority List
Now on computer
Previously via bulletin board

Section 17: Furlough and Recall

Unlimited recall duration (previously 6 years)
Recall bypass rights
all junior pilots to furlough are recalled
at 12 months from date of furlough

Section 18: Grievances

Attempt to resolved issues with department supervisor

Section 19: Discipline and Discharge

No suspension will be without pay pending an investigation
Exception, an immediate FAA certificate action for safety issues

Section 20: System Bard of Adjustment

Language changed to current practice

Section 21: Agency Shop and Dues Check Off

Inclusion of ALPA PAC dues check off
Complete membership information provided monthly

Section 22: General

Commuter Policy
Crew lounge, language requiring cooperation between the company and
the Association

Section 23: Filing of Vacancies

Permanent Vacancy
more than 112 days (4 bid periods)
previously 120 days
Temporary Vacancy
14 to 112 days
Previously 14 to 120 days
Posting of temporary vacancy language
No less than 3 days
Previously 72 hours
Vacancies postings require a 10 day notice, previously 7 days
New submission of bid will be via:
Certified Mail
Car mileage allowance rate while on TDY
Previously, 0.20/mile

Equipment Commitments
18 months for Turboprop CA
36 months for Jet CA
TP F/O can only move to CA on same equipment or to CA on jet
ERJ pilot can move to CRJ (fleet combination)
CRJ CA can NOT move to ERJ, except for substitution/displacement
No seat locks
Pilots will be trained and qualified on all aircraft derivatives

Section 24: Insurance Benefits

After 24 months the Company will guarantee a 2% match on 401(K)

Section 25: Duration

54 months from date of signing 15 Equipment Commitments
General Lee said:
I have a question. Will those Freedum CRJ70 Capts now be bumped to Air Midwest BE-1900 FO's with DOH seniority? That would be interesting!! Capt on a nice 70 seat RJ flying on the Civet Arrival to LAX one day, to an FO and hand flying a BE1900 in the bumps and dust for 2 hours to a hazy visual approach to Lake Havasu City the next. Bummer.

Bye Bye---General Lee

Tough sh-t! They will get what they deserve if this happens. My fear is Mesa will make up some excuse about training costs and let them stay. I know the contract should prevent this but you never know. I am sure some of these short sighted a-holes will try to run to some other airline where they can shortcut seniority. I hope the MAPD dorks who couldn't wait their turn will learn a valuable lesson as well.

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