I just thought I would let you guys in this great thing I found out.
Calling around to check on B737 Type Ratings, I got accross Aeroservice in Miami and this gentlemen name Mr. Kelmann told me that in some states the government is paying for people to get Type Ratings. It is not every state that has money, but I know that Chicago does, and Miami-Dade County will pay for your training in full. And you don't even have to pay them back.
You may contact Mr. Kelmann for details at (800) 752-7467 or (305) 871-5557.
Calling around to check on B737 Type Ratings, I got accross Aeroservice in Miami and this gentlemen name Mr. Kelmann told me that in some states the government is paying for people to get Type Ratings. It is not every state that has money, but I know that Chicago does, and Miami-Dade County will pay for your training in full. And you don't even have to pay them back.
You may contact Mr. Kelmann for details at (800) 752-7467 or (305) 871-5557.