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Fractional Insider

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2002
I know it is hard to get on with a fractional these days but has anybody out there circumvented these obstacles by using someone on the inside? I know three owners who own a "fraction". Do they ever have any weighable infuence on hiring? How would they go about putting in a good word for me?
without the atp you can't get on with nja nomatter who you know.

I know that the gulfstream guys when they take over a flight department the pilots from that department have the oportunity to work for NJI.

I think that a pilot recomendation would go a lot longer than an owner rec. The pilot is the one that has flown with you and knows how you do your job from the inside out.
Ahhhh! Who wants to work for NetJets anyway?? <-----Just kidding!!

It's hard to get on without the good ole boy networking nowadays, especially with the competitive times and limited jobs.

Your best bet is a recommendation, from someone, anyone (even the janitor) on the inside.

Buy some beer for the guys & gals you meet on the line, maybe a steak dinner, lobster tail, <-----(good recommendation technique, besides I'm hungry), seems to work for some!

Good luck!

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