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Food for thought from Boyd

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More and more SWA routes complete with Regional carriers with lower operating costs,.


Skywest CASM: 9.5
Mesa CASM: oh thats right, their in bankruptcy
Republic CASM: looks to be 7.6 but thats folding F9 in and still unclear what it will be after the dust settles.
SWA CASM: 7.7, and they don't fly RJ's.
Michael Boyd reads the news and then gives his opinion.....that's it. He was also touting the advantages of RJs years ago.
Like a broken clock, he's right twice a day.

Maybe we ought to extend to him an invitation to join our motley bunch of fools here . . . . if he has a thick skin.
One item not addressed is the airline culture. All else being equal, an airline with happy employees will outperform and have lower operating costs than those that s**t on their employees (while taking huge mgt. bonuses). It remains to be seen if the merged companies will see the light and work to improve employee morale.
yip, you're right. You can beat SWA ticket prices on some markets, but after adding fees for everything under the sun, they just might be cheaper. You will also fly on a SWA B737, not on an RJ flown by a feeder.
No extra fees

yip, you're right. You can beat SWA ticket prices on some markets, but after adding fees for everything under the sun, they just might be cheaper. You will also fly on a SWA B737, not on an RJ flown by a feeder.
no fees if you are traveling to your other home, carry on a book to read. Everything you need is waiting at the other end.

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