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Flying Citation Xs for Netjets

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Active member
Aug 28, 2002
One of my classmates from Embry Riddle is currently a Citation Excel Captain for Netjets. He bid and will be training on the Citation X shortly. On the Excel, most of his flying has been confined to the Continental US - although he has flown it to Cancun and some of the Caribbean Islands - including Aruba and Barbados a bunch of times. Questions for Citation X Netjets pilots out there:

1. How far afield are the Citation Xs flown - Europe, Hawaii, South America, etc.? Have you flown the Citation X to Europe? If so - where did you fly?

2. Is it likely that he will be flying more with less "down time"?

3. How do you like the Citation X vs. what you previously flew - both at Netjets and elsewhere?

4. Any pointers about the Citation X that he should know about prior to training?

Thanks for the info - I'll pass it along. I am envious - I'd love to fly a Citation X at .92 mach anyday!

Starshipper said:
1. How far afield are the Citation Xs flown - Europe, Hawaii, South America, etc.? Have you flown the Citation X to Europe? If so - where did you fly?

2. Is it likely that he will be flying more with less "down time"?

3. How do you like the Citation X vs. what you previously flew - both at Netjets and elsewhere?

4. Any pointers about the Citation X that he should know about prior to training?

Thanks for the info - I'll pass it along. I am envious - I'd love to fly a Citation X at .92 mach anyday!


When I flew in the NetJets environment (under contract), the furthest I flew was Maui and Koni. Range is approximately 3250 NM in a no-wind condition w/ full fuel (13,000 lbs). I know the aircraft is quite capable, but from what I've seen, it NORMALLY doesn't make the Euro runs, the Falcons and Gulfstreams do. I do know that one of our X's flew to Ireland in 2001, but I cannot confirm the exact route for you.

We crossed the continental US many times during a 6-day rotation. Sometimes twice in one day. There were many 14 hour days, but some were less. The X flies a substantial amount, so it's a good situation if you want the flight time.

Down-time was also a factor. We had late-model X's and ran into a fair amount of discrepancies, mainly electrical glitches, sensors, etc. Personally, I flew about 650 hours last year.

Compared to my previous a/c, the B737-300, the X felt like a true sports car. Landing in windy gusts can be challenging for a X driver, but not hazardous if done properly. I loved both a/c, but they each had their pro's and con's.

I hope this short summary answers some of your questions. Your friend will do fine ... just tell him to know his flows, memory items, call-outs, and profiles. FSI (ICT) did a fine job for us.

From one ERAU grad to another ... Best wishes :)

A good friend of mine flies the Citation X for NJA, and he flies his butt off. He says it is not uncommon to cover 4000-4500NM in a single day with two to four legs. He also said the X is typically down for maintenance 2 days a week, mostly electrical or avionics issues. He says he works too much in the X - supposedly one of the busiest programs, only rivaled by the Ultra - and he will bid out as soon as he is able.

If you are looking to build time, the X seems to be a good place to be. If you just enjoy flying, but don't want to work long, hard days almost every day - try to avoid the X.
1. How far afield are the Citation Xs flown - Europe, Hawaii, South America, etc.? Have you flown the Citation X to Europe? If so - where did you fly?

The X at Netjets flys all over including everything you said Europe, Hawaii, Central America and South America. How Often?? I think we avg like 1 to 2 Hawaii trips a week and Europe is hit and miss. I have seen trips to London,Paris,Milan,Southern France and a few other places. Netjets requires you to be "signed off" from an International IOE capt before you can fly these trips (Hawaii & Europe) so the list of CAPTS for these trips is small. The other places including South & Central America are fair game. So when you check out as a CAPT you better make sure you have some International experiance. My frist week as a CAPT on the X I went to Panama City.

2. Is it likely that he will be flying more with less "down time"?

Down time is part of flying the X. It is not umcommon to sit at a cessna service center for days on end. Some guys like this some dont. I prefer to fly then sit in ICT for 5 days. When you do have a good plane you will fly. I still dont think we work as hard as the Ultra boys. We do alot of coast to coast BOS-SFO TEB-VNY ETC and then just go to the hotel.

3. How do you like the Citation X vs. what you previously flew - both at Netjets and elsewhere?

I love flying the X. We can go coast to coast and climb over most weather. It's nice to be at FL450 or FL470 still doing Mach .88 or .85 IF cessna could solve the quality control issues it would just make the X that much nicer to fly.

4. Any pointers about the Citation X that he should know about prior to training?

There are so many "little tricks" about the X to many to list here. Your buddy will learn them on the road. If I had to pick one point watch the X-wind landings. Tell your buddy dont be in such a hurry to let the company release him as a PIC in the X with like 20 hours. Take some time to learn the plane and learn how to land this pig in windy gusty conditions.

Thanks for the info - I'll pass it along. I am envious - I'd love to fly a Citation X at .92 mach anyday!

I know there are a bunch of Netjets X newhire FOs out there who could comment on their routes, schedules, etc. Love to know more about what it is like to fly the X - is it what you expected? Are you busier than you thought you would be? Any destinations you have enjoyed more than others?


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