flydog said:I graduated in 94 but I switched from Aviation to Mechanical Engineering because it was much cheaper. When I was there the tuition with flight was over 20k a year to do flight training at an FBO. It must be over 25k right now.
Quality of training is probably the same as Humpty Diddle. The instructors are all Juniors and Seniors with 250 hrs in their pocket. Instructors were paid $8.00 hr when I was there. I prefer Warriors to 172s so this might factor into your decision. The flight department is much smaller and probably more personal. I also preferred the fact that the name Florida Tech didnt carry the stigma of Embry Riddle which seems to be the butt of all jokes wherever you go.
The city itself is a lot more laid back and cleaner than Daytona. Not much to do except play miniature golf and roll eggs up the causeway with a soup spoon if you plan on pledging a fraternity
The school is relatively small and the girl-guy ratio is about 1:5 so bring plenty of Vaseline. If you like girls Daytona might be a better choice.
My personal recomendation is go to FSU for 5k a year and spend the rest of the money you save on beer, girls, a used Ferrari and flight training at Uncle Fuddy's Flying School. The airlines wont care and youll be a well rounded young man when you graduate
Posted By Furloughed Again
<--- Bachelor of Science in "Aviation Management Flight Technology" is worthless.
And dont forget what F.I.T REALLY stands for -- "Forget Intercourse Totally"
I agree with all of the above. I graduated in '96. I do have to say that I am in a fortunate position and FIT gave me opportunities that otherwise I would not have had. The company I am with now recruited and hired me. I was lucky enough not to endure hardships like many in the aviation field. If I had to do it over again, I would have majored in a different field as a fallback but I cannot change that now only advise those that still have an opportunity to change their course. And yes getting close with the opposite sex was not existent for many but I know a few that were lucky enough to induldge!
FIT has upgraded their facilities as well as a/c. As far as the male/female ratio is concerned, you will have to scope it out and report back to us!
Good Luck!!
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