Flight Options
You now have proved my point about the pilots at Flight Options. They feel the need to "set the record straight" as they see it in their eyes. It's almost a "cult" following. As a former pilot for Flight Options, I could post here to tell "my side" of the story including bills not being paid, etc. I choose not to. But, this forum is for those that read through the b.s., etc. to form their own opinion. As others have posted on the corporate board, regionals, and the majors, the good and the bad, about companies people are inquiring about, only helps those to read into the bad that maybe others can't deal with. I have been reading this website for years. It seems the only people that get uptight about talking "badly" about their company is Flight Options.
This board is insightful, full of vast information, and any question good or bad, you care to ask, will be answered. It's up to the reader to decifer the truth. We certainly don't take this board as gospel. To sprout off people seem to have agendas to talk badly about your company, only seems to prove you have an agenda to defend your company. I choose to read through the good and bad and form my own opinion. To each their own and thank goodness for free speech.
You now have proved my point about the pilots at Flight Options. They feel the need to "set the record straight" as they see it in their eyes. It's almost a "cult" following. As a former pilot for Flight Options, I could post here to tell "my side" of the story including bills not being paid, etc. I choose not to. But, this forum is for those that read through the b.s., etc. to form their own opinion. As others have posted on the corporate board, regionals, and the majors, the good and the bad, about companies people are inquiring about, only helps those to read into the bad that maybe others can't deal with. I have been reading this website for years. It seems the only people that get uptight about talking "badly" about their company is Flight Options.
This board is insightful, full of vast information, and any question good or bad, you care to ask, will be answered. It's up to the reader to decifer the truth. We certainly don't take this board as gospel. To sprout off people seem to have agendas to talk badly about your company, only seems to prove you have an agenda to defend your company. I choose to read through the good and bad and form my own opinion. To each their own and thank goodness for free speech.