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Flight Options

You now have proved my point about the pilots at Flight Options. They feel the need to "set the record straight" as they see it in their eyes. It's almost a "cult" following. As a former pilot for Flight Options, I could post here to tell "my side" of the story including bills not being paid, etc. I choose not to. But, this forum is for those that read through the b.s., etc. to form their own opinion. As others have posted on the corporate board, regionals, and the majors, the good and the bad, about companies people are inquiring about, only helps those to read into the bad that maybe others can't deal with. I have been reading this website for years. It seems the only people that get uptight about talking "badly" about their company is Flight Options.
This board is insightful, full of vast information, and any question good or bad, you care to ask, will be answered. It's up to the reader to decifer the truth. We certainly don't take this board as gospel. To sprout off people seem to have agendas to talk badly about your company, only seems to prove you have an agenda to defend your company. I choose to read through the good and bad and form my own opinion. To each their own and thank goodness for free speech.
Re: options

" Yes, you can talk to the pilots at that company, but as I found with Flight Options, people there say, everything is great and they get highly upset if you tell them what you heard. "

And you wouldn't take a defensive posture if someone were to make slanderous remarks about your employer? That is assuming you have an employer and like your job.

I find it difficult to believe that Options is having financial trouble when they are purchasing 5 Citation X's and just announced an increase in the compensation packages for their pilots.

The question again comes to you. Have you contacted Kenn Ricci with your financial delema?

"Rumors are usually based on some type of fact and eventually dry up"

How about the rumor that Flight Options is going bankrupt? I've only heard that every six months for the last three years. Rumors are exactly what they are, rumors.

"To sprout off people seem to have agendas to talk badly about your company, only seems to prove you have an agenda to defend your company"

I'm noy "sprouting off" about anyone and have no agenda, I will however state for the record that the defense of ones employer when attacked is only natural.
Flight Options

Did you ever stop and think how the rumor got started about Flight Options going bankrupt? It started from a small grain of truth as vendor bills were being paid late, etc. I certainly don't care to discuss with you when and where that happened, as I have seen for myself, as you would probably want dates, times, etc. and still defend it isn't true. But, you started your defense of this poster stipulating his charter bills being paid late was possibly untrue, was possibly someone posing here, etc. It is entirely possible what Mike says is true as I have witnessed it with my own eyes.

As for defending one's employer, I know the good and bad from my company, so when someone says what I know to be the truth, I certainly don't get on the defensive to dispute what they are saying. I listen.

As for calling Kenn Ricci, who in the right mind would do that? Is that your response to everything over there? Call Kenn Ricci? I wouldn't call Kenn Ricci, who is such a smooth talker that he could probably sell ME land in the everglades.

And, by "getting" five used Citation X's, one's Flight Options doesn't even own yet until sold to owners, the look of a good financial picture? Geez. I feel bad for you people over there. You all are walking around with blinders on. Maybe when the ship starts sinking, you all will open your eyes and jump off.

I certainly have no intention of continuing this conversation on this board as I know how it works. We will just keep posting and posting and go round in circles. Let's just say that maybe people don't like Flight Options and the reason "stuff" gets posted about them. It certainly has nothing to do with any semblance of truth of what people are saying. LOL!
Funny thing - whenever somebody claims to be a representative of some company that has not received payment, put FO on a cash only basis, etc., they will never say exactly what company they represent. Very credible. Give me some substantiated facts and I'll listen to your story. Simple enough?

I have been with Flight Options for well over 3 years, and have never been to one of these places that supposedly has us on a "cash only" basis. A Falcon being held for unpaid MX bills? Funny, I have been to the very facility that supposedly held one of our aircraft for months due to non payment - and they worked on my airplane, did not require "cash payment", and did not attempt to hold the aircraft until obtaining such payment. Wouldn't they do such a thing if they had been severely burned as some claim? A smart businessman would.

This BS is getting old. If you have proof to back up your claims - AND YOU MAKE SAID PROOF PUBLIC RATHER THAN SAY "CALL SO AND SO IN THIS DEPARTMENT" - people might be more receptive. If you don't have said proof, keep your allegations to yourself.

If you think I'm getting all worked up and defensive, think again. I'm sitting in a hotel, bored out of my mind, and looking for something to kill the time until I can go home to my family. This board has kept me entertained for a few minutes, at least.

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