This is interesting.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Bilger
To: Pilots_Small_Cabin
Sent: Tue Dec 04 15:37:00 2007
Subject: Items of Interest
These two Items of Interest need to be brought to your attention:
1. Defog Blower Switch Lights
2. Nose Gear Torque Link
Pilots have been writing up Defog Blower Switch Lights not illuminating. Please do not do this. None of our Beechjets have illuminating Defog Blower Switch Lights. Defog Blower Switch Lights illuminate only on Beechjets RK001 to RK048. The oldest Beechjet we have is RK091.
We have received several 501s for bent Nose Gear Torque Links. This is normally caused by improper towing of the jet, but it may also be cause by the pilot improperly moving the nose wheel during preflight to insert the nose gear pin. As tempting as it is, please DO NOT use the torque link as a lever to move the wheel. Doing so puts a strain on the torque link bolt resulting in the bolt getting bent.
Thanks for your attention to these two issues.
Bill Bilger
Program Manager / Small Cabin
Flight Options, LLC
Phone: 216-797-8472
Cell: 216-536-5234
Fax: 216-797-3582
[email protected]
Hmm...Does this mean I should write up the plane if it HAS illuminating Defog Blower Switch lights?None of our Beechjets have illuminating Defog Blower Switch Lights.
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