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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
Basically I am a military reservist looking to get into corporate or 135 or fractionals. I have 1700 TT all multi engine turbine. I sent in a resume about 3 months ago, but got no call. I'm assuming its cuz they want 2000 TT and its probably an insurance min.

When I do get to 2000TT, assuming I get an interview/hired, what kind of fleet would them put me in, and what kind of pay would one get at 1yr, 5yr... when would one upgrade to captain, and where would they want me to live?

Thanks for any info
Search this and the corporate forum. The answers to your questions are there.

As for the TT, unless you have a type rating and time in type, those are usually hard and fast, though not always.
FlyFlyFly said:
Search this and the corporate forum. The answers to your questions are there.

As for the TT, unless you have a type rating and time in type, those are usually hard and fast, though not always.

You know, some day a hundres years from now we will have talked about averything, and we wont have to post anything at all. You could have just answered the question if you knew the answer.

Your experience would work great for us, and last I heard we're having a new-hire class in Sep or ealier. If U want more info, you can search here, or pm me.

USA Jet Airlines

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