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Flight Training Device

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Average Joe
Mar 14, 2005
Got a student asking a question about logging of flight sim time (frasca 131), I believe it goes under training or Dual recieved and FTD time.... NOT total. Is that Correct?

Instructors cannot log the time giving dual in a FTD or frasca 131 correct??

Thanks in advance.
Parrot_Head_Fly said:
Got a student asking a question about logging of flight sim time (frasca 131), I believe it goes under training or Dual received and FTD time.... NOT total. Is that Correct?
Short version of a beaten-to-death topic:

Yes, training received and FTD time.
Simulated instrument time =if= the student combines FTD and hood time in the same column (most don't to keep the math easier but the FAR permits it)
If the "total time" column in the logbook is for total =flight= time, it does not get put there.

Instructors cannot log the time giving dual in a FTD or frasca 131 correct??

Not yet beaten to death, so a little more detail: "Pilot time" is defines in FAR 61.1:

Pilot time means that time in which a person -
(i) Serves as a required pilot flight crewmember;
(ii) Receives training from an authorized instructor in an aircraft, flight simulator, or flight training device; or
(iii) Gives training as an authorized instructor in an aircraft, flight simulator, or flight training device.

So, if you are tracking total "pilot time" (remember that this is =not= "flight" time) - it counts toward ATP requirements, you can make a log entry for yourself also. You'll probably need a separate column. None of the usual columns applies.

Thank you for the info, I was doing some research and I defined it as you said. "Training Time" in a FTD. Just wanted to see if that was the view everyone else had on the matter.

I have never included instruction given in a simulator as total time as it may cause an argument at an interview. Not worth it. I keep it seperate that way I can easily just add them together or keep them seperate depending on the context of why I need the times.

Iceman21 said:
I don't have a great understanding on the subject, but a Frasca 141 is not an FTD correct. Isn't there a definition of a FTD that outlines everything?
An easy way to look at this is that if it is not a level 6 simulator or provides motion..it is a Flight Training Device.
Iceman21 said:
I don't have a great understanding on the subject, but a Frasca 141 is not an FTD correct. Isn't there a definition of a FTD that outlines everything?

AC 120-45A, available for viewing in its entirety (59 pages) at FAA.gov, sets forth FTD criteria. FTD levels are 1 through 7, sims are A through D. AC 120-40B addresses sims. These ACs do not address logging of time, only criteria for the various levels of FTDs and sims. I had to deal with these ACs as part of a work-related project a while back. Happy reading!

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