When I interviewed, it consisted of a written test on pt 91 and instrument stuff. Then you had to fly a sim profile which was pretty simple. It was on a PCATD and all you had to do was an instrument takeoff, vector for an ILS, missed approach, and holding entry. If all that went well, you talked to the DO briefly with standard ?s like "why do you want to work here?" and "Do you have pt135 mins?" They called that night with the results. Very straight-forward and no trick questions. They are really just looking to see that you really are a pilot and can fly the sim without crashing it.
Don't think you'll have much luck with the ORL base as it's very senior. A friend of mine just got there after waiting about 9 months.
I'd prepare for the interview and training by being instrument proficient. Don't worry about knowing pt 135 stuff. They expect to have to teach you that. They do, however, expect you to be able to do all the IFR work already.
Good luck on your interview. It's a great company. You'll have a lot of fun and definitely become a better instrument pilot!
You'll have a lot of fun and definitely become a better instrument pilot!
As far as I'm concerned, any interview is automatically formal. At least for the interviewee!
I don't have any idea about the other bases. It will all depend on where they need pilots at the moment you finish training
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