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LJ45JI said:
NJA USA = profit (whatever modest means!!!)
NJA Europe = losses (but slowely turning around)

Warren Buffet said:
NetJets, our fractional-ownership operation lost $41 million pre-tax in 2003. The company had a modest operating profit in the U.S. , but this was more than offset by a $32 million loss on aircraft inventory and by continued losses in Europe.

I read this as Netjets USA may be slightly profitable on the operations side, but it's carrying unsold aircraft shares, to the tune of $32M. Europe cost NJA the remaining $9M. The bottom line is red for NJA Europe and NJA USA.

But like I said, don't worry. Everyone knows that Uncle Warren has very deep pockets and doesn't mind shelling out dough like there's no tomorrow. He is well known for throwing money around like it's going out of style, giving no mind to profitability or frugality so naturally he'll be happy to sign on the line for 100% raises, as soon as that contract is hammered out. All of the rest of Berkshire Hathaway's companies lose millions of dollars every year too. That's why BH is such a coveted hedge fund.
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flexlrpilot357 said:
I read this as Netjets USA may be slightly profitable on the operations side, but it's carrying unsold aircraft shares, to the tune of $32M. Europe cost NJA the remaining $9M. The bottom line is red for NJA Europe and NJA USA.

Here's a site:

I challenge you to find an NJA aircraft that is unsold. Have fun. If you find one, I will be happy to be corrected. To my knowledge there are few if any that are owned by us completely. We do not carry unsold shares.

PS...."the way you read it" is way off the mark.

By the way, why didn't you post the last half of that quote from Mr. Buffett?

“NetJets continues to dominate the fractional-ownership field, and its lead is increasing,” Buffett said. “Prospects overwhelmingly turn to us rather than to our three major competitors. Last year, among the four of us, we accounted for 70 percent of net sales (measured by value).”
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NJA Capt,

It's possible that I don't know what "$32 million loss on aircraft inventory" means. I have an open mind, I'd be happy for you to enlighten me. Does it mean that you can't find $32M worth of airplanes? Does it mean that they've been destroyed? Devalued is a possible explanation... but again, that would be a writeoff for the owner. Or simply that you're picking up the tab on them. What sayest thou?


yes, yoo air mouste sertunlly waisting yore thyme.

Keep on talking to yourself and you may begin to believe it all. Here we go again.....Why do we have to continually educate you about Fractionals? If the airplane isn't fully sold you don't fly it. But I'm sure you are well aware of that since FX is so lean and mean! One thing you obviously have no clue about is cash flow and how it affects a business. Taxes are another area where you and your penis envy demeanor are lacking. Yes, NetJets lost $41 million, thats all you need to know since you aren't a shareholder or an owner. See you at the next interview, make sure you wear your leather jacket and a large watch.

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