Or, if you tend to think like some people here:
Wake up WAAAY too early (every day), get oppressed by the man, then go to sleep in a fleabag roach motel. Repeat until Jesse Jackson comes to your aid.
Redeye, to make an informed decision on Flex, go back and read some of threads in which Flexjet is the topic. You will see that the overwhelming majority of Flex posts are negative. Many, many pilots have left there for Netjets. I saw a Flex captain at a new hire class in CMH a couple weeks ago. Its not just the FO's making up stuff because they hold a grudge against Flex. Take everything flexlrpilot357 says with a grain of salt. He is either in management, or has his blinders on. Good luck in your decision.
I usually enjoy reading the posts certain ones of you contribute to Flex threads. I have thought about posting again on this one, however, this thread seems to me to be almost exactly the same discussion as on the other threads. Same contributors and same themes. I think most people that aren't at Flex can read between the lines and figure out that everything is not always great here. But if anyone actually has a job that is always great, that would be a miracle.
I do take those to task that accuse flexlrpilot357 to be management. I don't know if he is or isn't - but assuming that someone who gets some information (that is available to all) and posts positively about Flex doesn't mean that he only can be management. My husband is fairly happy here and he is by NO means management. He also fly's with a lot of you guys (who also aren't management) that love their job. There are aspects of this job that are tough - as in many jobs. Those that didn't like the Flex setup and moved on to something that did fit them did the right thing. Those that stay and complain in an unconstructive way - well you aid the problem.
scottied51 stated the best comment yet. If you aren't thankful for your job in this industry you have a problem. How many wonderful airline pilots would give anything to have this job now. I know of at least 1 who has been desperately trying to get hired by Flex - even when he reads some of the posts on here. He loves to fly and isn't afraid to work. Which describes most pilots that I have met. Our friend that has been with United for 6-7 years is looking at a furlough in 2003. My husband recently saw a friend of ours on the road flying day 9 of 10 for his corporate outfit in a Hawker. Thankful for this job - WE ARE!
We often aren't happy with a 3 day home after a 6 day rotation. Especially when our young boys cry when daddy has to leave again so quickly. Or other little things that come up here - but it is still a pretty good job, with pretty good management and pretty good pay.
We've all got gripes; after all, thats what makes it a job and not a hobby: working for a company in business to make money. Because of the company's desire to be profitable and grow, not all decisions are going to be popular, which I can understand. As far as PBS goes, I think people who are most vocal with their complaints haven't really figured out how it works and developed an effective bidding strategy which is understandable as PBS is not very intuitive. What makes no sense about their difficulties (and its sounds like its the same ones every month) is that help is available from a couple of sources. When PBS arrived, I had the perplexed look my dog gets when trying to figure out the source of a high pitched whistle. But after a couple of phone calls to crew planners, I generally get what I want. Yes, the PBS is tilted towards company scheduling in its priority, but it matches crews up more accurately with demand so a bunch of us aren't sitting around in hotel rooms rather than having the day off at home because they crewed too many airplanes. Its my opinion that the difficulty some people have is that they are asking for the moon and stars all at once and not correctly prioritizing the elements of their bid so they get zilch. Bidding on the PBS is not like splitting the atom, and thats all I have to say about that.
The biggest complaints I hear aside from PBS is gateways and sounds like there is finally a little movement on that front (but we shall see) and upgrade pay, which was changed recently to more accurately reflect time of service with the company. Communications with dispatch/scheduling also needs tweaking and it sounds like they have a couple of solutions being tested. Most pilots at the company realize that there are some problems and sometimes answers to those problems aren't forthcoming as quickly as they would like. I understand wanting to be cautious and analytical in proceeding with a solution but at times the plodding nature of this process gives the appearance that a problem isn't being recognized. I think the CAB meetings will be helpful in at least providing updates on issues that are out there.
Regarding the Blue Belly, it is what it is. Its a bitch board. I would rather have that than a couple of hot heads airing dirty laundry in public. I haven't really seen anybody get ripped up by a supervisor until last week, but frankly, it was deserved. While his complaint was one that many have, the guy himself was not legit given his seniority and what kind of benefits that afforded him. Plus, he was lying anyway.
In these tough times its good have a flying job. Its good to have a steady paycheck, its great to have decent insurance (I say this as my daughter is going to the orthodontist for the first time this month), there are lots of reasons I'm happy where I'm at. Netjets sounds like a fantastic place to work as well, I really envy the gateways. But its kind of like voters at an election; there are single issue voters, party line voters and independents that look at the whole package and weigh the positives and negatives. I believe that philosophy will dictate how content one would be working at Flexjet, Netjets, United, Microsoft or driving a garbage truck.
There are times when I get angry and frustrated with work related stuff (itinerary revision has you getting home real late, crew meals aren't ordered, Dispatch won't answer the freaking phone) but in the long run I'm in a good situation. If something better comes along, then maybe I'll jump on it but until then I'm staying put. Maybe when my daughter is off on her own I'll feel a little more free to jump around.
Vixin and LJ31, thanks for your very fair-minded and accurate posts! You both hit the nail right on the head.
There are great things at Flexjet (namely, the check never bounces), and there are legitimate gripes. I think the manner in which you weather the situation says a lot about your character.
You can bitch and moan and claim that Flex is the 4th Reich and they're oppressing you, or you can reasonably and fairly point out the plusses and minuses.
I believe the readers here are smart enough to see who's who.
1st year as it stands now is a base of $34,000/yr. Plus a bonus if their is one, OT and per diem. Realistically you would make around $38-41,000 your 1st year. But with Options and Nets getting raises we will also. However our benefits are second to none. Our gateways are laking though.
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